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Les Revenants

The Returned - S1E5 - Serge & Toni

May 26, 2014 // 0 Comments

Previously on The Returned, ‘Victor’ Seven years ago, Toni yelled at his mother for letting Serge out of the house. He found his brother moments after he’d [...]

The Returned - S1E4 - Victor

May 24, 2014 // 0 Comments

Previously on The Returned, ‘Julie’ Thirty-five years ago, Victor was a little boy afraid to go to sleep after his brother told him a gruesome story. Once he fell [...]

The Returned - S1E3 - Julie

May 22, 2014 // 0 Comments

Previously on The Returned, ‘Simon’ Seven years ago, Julie was working a Catwoman costume like it’s her job. I mean, damn. Lt. Laure is Batman and they are [...]

The Returned - S1E2 - Simon

May 20, 2014 // 0 Comments

Previously on The Returned, ‘Camille’ Ten years ago, Simon was in a band performing at The Lake Pub the night before his wedding. Adele was a waitress there. He [...]

The Returned - S1E1 - Camille

May 18, 2014 // 0 Comments

One of the best things about running a pop culture website and podcast is that when I discover a new television show - well, new to me - and I want to talk about [...]