8 Campy Horror Movies for an Awesome Halloween

Avatar of Chanse Horton by Chanse Horton

October 28, 2013 in Featured, Top Movie Lists

It’s Halloween week, and you’re in the mood for a good movie, you say? You’re sick of the revolving door of horror standards that cable television is regurgitating? You also like a good macabre chuckle? Not to fret, my dearies, I’ve got you covered. What you need is some, shall we say, new blood. In …

BluTuesday - September 18, 2012

Avatar of Joseph Seltzer by Joseph Seltzer

September 18, 2012 in BluTuesday

Hello, there! Joseph here with the new Bluray releases for September 18, 2012. In this edition, we’re gonna be talking about the world’s worst camping trip and a pretty wicked mentor.. Ready? Let’s get to it.   The Cabin in the Woods (R) Rotten Tomatoes rating: 90% When this movie was released on April 13, …