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Teri’s ProFan Review: The Art of Castlevania - Lords of Shadow

I am not the ProFan who usually comes to mind when discussing video games but most of us here at Project Fandom have some level of Gamer Geek in us, and nothing brings out mine like Castlevania. When the opportunity to review The Art of Castlevania - Lords of Shadow was presented, our first-string team of game-related writers were gracious enough to step aside and allow me to get my hands on this absolutely stunning compilation of art and story to accompany the latest release in the Castlevania series.

Beginning with a foreword from Art Directors Juan Antonio Alcazar Redondo, Jose Luis Vaello Bertol, and Rafael Jimenez Rodriguez; this companion sets the tone of sharing secrets between fans and developers. As they reveal their own histories with the series, they gain our trust by sharing their stories as fans before they became creators.

Author Martin Robinson has compiled 192 pages of awe-inspiring art development showing both conceptual and final artwork for characters, creatures, and scenes; and a short synopsis of each entry’s role in the story prevents this from being just a pretty picture book.

For those who are fans of gothic and horror whom have not played Castlevania, this book would still be a welcome addition to your collection of art literature. Though you may be hard-pressed to remain uninitiated to the world of Castlevania after viewing the stunning images of familiar foes such as Hunchback; Zombies; and of course, Dracula.

The standard edition is available now from Titan Books, as well as Amazon.

There is also a special, slipcased edition which includes a Castlevania - Lords of Shadow 2 concept art print signed by the MercurySteam art team. With only 500 copies available - true collectors should scoop up this visual treat as soon as possible!

Konami’s latest installment in the series Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is now available for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and Windows PC.

About Teri Bildstein (45 Articles)
Teri Bildstein firmly believes sleep is for the weak. She avoids this nasty pitfall by juggling her time between family, duties as Owner/Designer of Tide Together Jewelry and Gifts, ProFan contributor, and sharing her inexhaustible opinions with the people of the Internet. She is certain her marriage to Norman Reedus will be a lovely affair....provided she has a chance to meet him.

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