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The 1st Annual ProFanny Awards

The 2013 Emmy nominations were announced yesterday and while we were happy to see a few of our favorites recognized (Mad Men, Peter Dinklage, you know, the usual suspects), we were once again left scratching our heads and wondering just what a ProFan gotta do to see some props given to the shows we know everyone is watching and enjoying (Hello? WE are the fandoms!), yet never get nominated.

The answer was clear: We must show the love ourselves.

This September, we’ll hold the 1st Annual ProFannys, honoring the best television determined by us, the ProFans. And us, we mean you! Here’s how it will work:

  1. Starting on August 1st, we’ll vote on one category a day via a Facebook application. The number of votes will be kept hidden.
  2. Throughout August, you can email your completed ballot with who you think the winners will be in each category.
  3. In early September, before the Emmys, we’ll hold a live awards ceremony via Google + hangout - complete with fancy clothes, trophies, and red carpet shenanigans, and we’ll announce the winners.
  4. The person who submitted the ballot with the most correct winners will receive two movie tickets! There may also be runner-up prizes. In the case of a tie for most correct answers, all winning ballots will be put into a bowl with a winner drawn randomly.

Here’s more info on submitting your ballots.

Here’s the ballot:


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Project Fandom offers up the latest in TV, movies, books, comics, anime, manga, and more for the geek in all of us.