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The Fall - S2E2 - One Named Peter

Previously on The Fall, ‘Walk the Line’

I’d like to retitle this episode “the results of poor decision making”. I know I sound like my mom right now but it always seems to boil down to one simple thing: Repercussions, people! There will always be repercussions.


It’s obvious the walls are beginning to close in on Paul. Self destruction; he’s headed for self destruction. (Sorry had a PE moment) He’s kidnapped Rose and been seen by her daughter. While he enjoys killing women he seems to have a problem killing mothers so, he’s in a bit of a predicament. Sally is clearly over him and is now considering aborting his child along with the marriage. Katie who seems to know his true nature won’t back off and he has been unknowingly identified by the police.


I know the old cliché ‘women love bad men’, but I always thought that referred to a man with tattoos or maybe a rapper.

But to obsess over someone you suspect is a serial rapist and killer? This is the man you pursue? Let’s not even mention the fact he has a wife and kids. Instead, you find yourself tied to a bed with your own socks in a seedy motel. Decisions, decisions.


Stella is the character I admire most, but she has made poor decisions as well. In her haste to catch ‘Peter’ she put her witness in danger and gets her kidnapped. And her dreams about her dead one night stand is causing her to lose control and she knows it.

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  • What was the purpose of getting a key made? Katie makes no sense to me. Girl, stop before you get yourself killed.
  • Where is he taking Rose?
About Latoya Morrow (24 Articles)
Latoya is just a tomboy born in Alaska, bred in Puerto Rico, and living in the metro Atlanta area. She’s a wife, jewelry designer, do it yourselfer and blogger. Yup. She’s boring as hell.

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