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The Muppets - S1E12 - A Tail of Two Piggies

Previously on The Muppets, ‘Swine Song’

Images: ABC

“Turn, Peek, Pop” 

The Muppets continue their meta conversation of television and culture when Miss Piggy has a wardrobe malfunction on the red carpet. Her pigtail pops out of a backless dress (designer “Uncle” by Deadly) and standards and practices comes calling. Emboldened by a young piglet fan, Miss Piggy decides to embrace her curves and piggy-ness by launching a campaign to #UnveilTheTail. This brings the network president from last week back with passive aggressive muffins and threats. Miss Piggy is banned from showing her tail but Kermit and the rest of the cast support Piggy with fake pigtails glued to their behinds and a rousing number of “Bad Reputation” from Joan Jett.

“That chicken has crossed the road.”

Gonzo is still trying to get over Camilla, the chicken, so he and Pepe and Rizzo purchase a bachelor pad, formerly owned by Ian Ziering. After adding some shag carpets, because they’re apparently bachelors in the 1970s, they throw a pool party to get Gonzo back out in the game. This should be interesting since they leave us on a cliffhanger with Camilla showing up to party at the last minute. Could Camila and Gonzo be the other epic love story on this show?

  • Ian Ziering is 51? He really was 30 when he was playing a 16 year-old.
  • Joan Jett also looked fierce. This was the week for stars who have aged well.
  • Yolanda is afraid of getting fired because Up Late with Miss Piggy is the only job that lets her take an hour nap every day.
  • Another new segment since the “rebranding” is “Who Tweeted It? Miss Piggy or Kim Kardashian”. This might be the best segment ever, especially because Animal is the contestant.

Quote of the Week: “It’s the house that 90210 built and Sharknado did not redecorate”- Pepe the Shrimp

The Muppets S1E12
  • 9/10
    Plot - 9/10
  • 7/10
    Laughs - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Kudos for Keeping Ian Ziering Relevant - 8/10


Maybe it’s because of Formation being released this week, but I really liked this storyline of Miss Piggy overcoming the haters and embracing herself. I also really appreciated everyone supporting her. The writers seem to be working on bringing Kermit and Piggy back together in a way that shows their mutual respect. And it all still manages to be fun while giving us grown up stories.

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5 (1 vote)
About Shanna B (211 Articles)
Shanna is a long-standing geek who was a shipper before shipping was a thing. She is a contributor and podcaster for Movie Trailer Reviews. Based in the Bay Area, she frequents comic book shops, donut shops, and parks in no particular order.
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