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The ProFannys: Best Drama Series

All month long we’re voting on the best in TV. Who needs the Emmys when you have the ProFannys? Today you get decide which of the six series above will have the distinct honor of being the Best Drama Series at our 1st Annual ProFannys Awards. The poll is open now and closes tomorrow, 8/2, at 9am PST. Vote here!

Once you’re done, make sure you fill out and email a completed ballot with your predictions of who will win each category. During our live telecast, we’ll pick the ballot with the most correct guesses and award an awesome prize! Make sure you share with your friends and encourage them to vote as well. Click here for ballot rules. Here’s the ballot with a complete list of the nominees below:


(click to embiggen)

About Project Fandom (1122 Articles)
Project Fandom offers up the latest in TV, movies, books, comics, anime, manga, and more for the geek in all of us.

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