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The Returned - S1E2 - Simon

Previously on The Returned, ‘Camille’

Ten years ago, Simon was in a band performing at The Lake Pub the night before his wedding. Adele was a waitress there. He has a brief encounter with a young Lena (who was 9 then) and takes a picture with her by the drums. The next morning, before they head to the church to get married, Adele tells Simon she’s pregnant. He says he’s happy, but he really doesn’t look it. Later, he’s late to the church, and the police (including her future fiancé, Thomas) arrive to tell the priest that Simon is dead.

In present time, it’s clear that Adele has been suffering from depression. Thomas tries to reassure her daughter, Chloe, that her mother is fine and it’s not going to be “like before.” When she tells Father Jean-Francois about Simon’s ghost coming to her door, he advises her to talk to him next time. Simon beats the shit out of a diner worker who refuses to give him free food. The woman who returned to Mr. Costa watches as she eats, but says nothing. Simon goes back to the pub to ask Lena where Adele works and he’s later spotted by the cops on CCTV when he goes to visit the library. Lena spots the picture of her and Simon from ten years ago and suspects that he’s also returned from the dead.

When Simon arrives at the library where Adele works, she speaks to him thinking he’s a ghost. It doesn’t help that he “disappears” when some children enter the room. He’s then picked up by the police for attacking the man in the diner. Thomas questions Simon when he learns his name, but doesn’t tell Adele about it. Adele is surprisingly happy when Thomas gets home and she’s suddenly down to make wedding plans. We know this is because she’s seen Simon earlier. Thomas goes through pics in Adele’s attic and sees that Simon is Simon.

Lena is having a hard time adjusting to Camille’s return. When she argues with Jerome about it, she brings up the fact that he once hit her, which he doesn’t deny. Camille trashes Lena’s room out of jealousy, but lies about it to Claire. Later, Pierre tells Camille that she’s a miracle, like Jesus, but she doesn’t believe in that bullshit. She also doesn’t believe Pierre is a doctor, which he’s not. Camille sneaks out of the house to find Frederic, but finds another friend from years ago, Lucho. He doesn’t recognize her. That night, Lena tells Camille that she ran into another person like her.

You know what else is a miracle? Lucy didn’t die in the tunnel! The police come to the pub to snatch up the bartender, Toni, to question him about Lucy’s attack. Lt. Laure seems pretty convinced that Toni is a serial killer who murdered women the same way seven years ago. He was a suspect in an attempted murder in the same tunnel. He swears he’s innocent and says it’s not possible when she shows him pics of Lucy’s attack.

The man who did attack Lucy, Serge, arrives at his house to find it boarded up so he breaks in. He’s a returned also. Toni arrives and finds that Serge has made himself at home so he knocks him out with a shovel. When he awakens, he does the same to Toni. Toni then explains that Serge has been dead for seven years and their mother has been dead for three. Serge has no memory of dying.

Julie discovers that no one has filed a missing persons report for Victor. Even though she knows she shouldn’t keep him, she agrees to anyway. When goes to take a bath that night, we see she has stabbing scars all over her abdomen.

The water levels continue to drop. And strange occurrences of dirty water pooling up in sinks are happening across the town. Of course, the two dam workers are still trying to keep it quiet until they figure out what it means and why it’s happening.

About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

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