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4 Comments on Podcast Fandom Episode 203: The Walking Dead - S5E16 - Conquer

  1. I’m still torn about whether to listen to this today or wait for my trip in a couple day, lol. Either way, I know this will be greatness.

  2. I’m on the same boat; I wanna savor it!

  3. Can’t believe Nina gave this a 6.5 lol… This episode was great. Best season finale right along with Season 2

  4. Ok so listening to this and other podcasts pretty much everyone has issues with Maggie not telling anyone about Gabe.
    I am going to argue that she probably did at least tell Glenn but with everything playing out there is not much she can do about it directly besides what she was doing.
    I KNOW! TWD frequently does the “they talked about it offscreen” crap, but what can you do when you have so much story to tell and not much time to tell it?

    What purpose would it have served to show Maggie going around and telling the group what she heard onscreen to have them say, we gotta play this cool after what Rick did ? Eh maybe not?

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