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The Walking Dead Season 5 Filming Schedule Plus More from Lauren Cohan

This past Sunday, Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead‘s Maggie, of course) dropped by Entertainment Weekly‘s InsideTV Podcast and talked all about her role on the hit AMC series, confirming the time when the series’ fifth season will begin filming, and more.

During the ~20-minute conversation, Cohan discussed quite a few things; not the least of which was the massive series on which she has become a pivotal player, The Walking Dead. First, she says there is still an episode coming up in this season, which has only three episodes remaining, that will focus heavily on Tyreese, Carol, and the kids. We can assume this is next week’s episode, since the previews that have been shown appear to revolve around that group; the interesting part about this comment from Cohan is that she says it’s one of her favorite episodes. She also mentions her feeling that, though sad, deaths on the series have led to greater stories.

On season five’s filming schedule: the series usually begins filming around April, so Cohan’s comment on that is basically a confirmation of what would be assumed already:

“If I go back to the next season of The Walking Dead then I will be going back mid-April.”

The “if I go back” part of that statement will cause those of us who are big fans of Maggie, Glenn, and their relationship (MagGlenn?) to skip several heartbeats. When pushed for more details on Maggie’s fate this season and whether we can expect to see her on the show next season, Cohan responded:

“The first half of April is a vacation, and then we’ll see what happens in the second half.”

So much uncertainty! If we’re betting, though, we’re putting our money on Maggie living to see another balmy, Georgia spring.

The secrecy with which she is treating Maggie’s fate is something Cohan says has become automatic. Also in the podcast, she discusses her upcoming role on the animated series Archer and naturally uses the same strict secrecy to describe her character; that is to say, she doesn’t want to give anything away. At least with The Walking Dead, we’ll know everything before long… and then we’ll have to wait forever for season five to start the madness all over again.

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