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The Women of Kawaii-Kon

Hey folks! I’m here this week to bring you a special Gimme Five! This past weekend I took a trip to Oahu for the premier anime convention of the Pacific; Kawaii-Kon! Now the list contains some women that aren’t necessarily from an Anime or Manga but give us a break! This convention is the only geeky one we’ve got. So without further ado, here’s the Gimme Five Women at Kawaii-Kon.

Hinamori from Bleach
Hinamori is the Lieutenant of Fifth Division in the hit long running series Bleach. There is none more deserving of a little vacation time than this Shinigami after the events that transpired with Aizen.

Photo credit: Matthew Freitas

Korra from Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender will most likely recognize the latest Avatar, Korra! Here she is, striking a pose for the camera. Come to think of it maybe the winds we’ve had here in Hawaii lately are probably her doing.

Photo credit: Matthew Freitas

Maya from Borderlands 2
Maya is from the hit game Borderlands 2. Here she is, as one of the six Syrens in the known universe. I’m not sure if she’s here at the convention for some R & R or just looking for a whole mess of shooting and looting. I mean, Hawaii’s a far better place than Pandora-not to be confused with blue cat Pandora.

Photo credit: Matthew Freitas

Hawke from Dragon Age 2
The protagonist of one of EA’s more popular games, Hawke was there in full armor at the convention. She’s a personal friend of mine and was enjoying the festivities at Kawaii-Kon. Although the threat of the Darkspawn has been stopped, she still looks as fierce and battle ready as ever.

Photo credit: Matthew Freitas

Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series
To fans of the series, they’ll be surprised but nonetheless very excited to see the female version of Commander Shepard. To anyone who’s played the games, I’m sure you have a ton of questions, but as soon as this picture was taken, she told me that “She should go.”

Photo credit: Matthew Freitas

About Matthew Freitas (52 Articles)
Matthew Freitas is the resident Green Lantern and Hired Sword patrolling the Project Fandom sector of the internet. He brings reviews of some of the latest games and movies. When he has down time, he can be found doing almost any geek-related activity.

4 Comments on The Women of Kawaii-Kon

  1. I always play with FemShep. I prefer Jennifer Hale over Mark Meer, although I do have one playthrough going as MaleShep just for kicks and grins.

  2. @Matthew- I have no idea who these girls are, but I’m glad you had a good time and got to take pics of hot women. I know you were just taking one for the team and doing your job. 🙂 Sorry I missed you:(

    • Wendie-You’re still a teacher. I’m sure your students could easily identify them. And being the VaginaCon Fanboy isn’t easy work, but it’s necessary. Next time I’m in town I’ll make a special trip to see you!

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