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There’s Always Money in the Banana Stand

We’re ever so close to the release of Arrested Development’s fourth season! Because the series was revived by Netflix, the web streaming service will make each and every one of the season’s 15 episodes available at 12:01 am, May 26. Netflix knows how much we love to marathon episodes, and they have shown an unfettered willingness to enable us to do so. That’s really the best thing about Netflix producing their own series (by the way, if you’ve yet to check out House of Cards, do that right now; I’ll see you in 13 hours).

Leading up to the season’s premiere, yesterday, Netflix released 10 promotional posters to IGN, with each poster meant to represent one of the show’s characters.


You can see the other 9 posters here.

Arrested Development fans are beyond excited about the new season; it’s been described as being like a “family reunion”. I personally haven’t been this intrigued by a show’s return since Futurama was revived.

Due to contractual obligations and filming schedules, the fourth season was constructed in a way to allow each episode to follow one Bluth family member (some characters get more than one episode, and Michael—Jason Bateman—is in every episode). The speculation is that, assuming the season is a success (it’s a foregone conclusion that it will be), we could get further seasons on Netflix and/or the long-desired film adaptation.

I just blue myself.

I don’t know what I expected.

Are you excited yet?

About John Elrod II (285 Articles)
John is currently untitled. This complete lack of definition would drive most into abject bitterness and utter despair, but not someone of John’s virility. No, John is the picture of mental stability and emotional platitude.

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