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Winter Book Club Announcement: The CHRONOS Files Series

We’re excited to announce our November/December book club selection is The CHRONOS Files series by Rysa Walker!

Since half of December is all about the holidays, we decided to take a book club break that month. But when we realized the second book in The CHRONOS Files series came out this month (October 21st), we thought it would be fun to feature the entire series for November and December.

We’ll be reading Timebound (The CHRONOS Files Book 1), Time’s Echo: A CHRONOS Files Novella, and Time’s Edge (The CHRONOS Files Book 2).

Mid-December, we’ll be recording a podcast discussion of all three books and an interview with the author, Rysa Walker! You have two full months to immerse yourself in the The CHRONOS Files world. Here’s some info on the books and links for purchase. We hope you’ll join us!

Timebound (The CHRONOS Files Book 1):

When Kate Pierce-Keller’s grandmother gives her a strange blue medallion and speaks of time travel, sixteen-year-old Kate assumes the old woman is delusional. But it all becomes horrifyingly real when a murder in the past destroys the foundation of Kate’s present-day life. Suddenly, that medallion is the only thing protecting Kate from blinking out of existence.

Kate learns that the 1893 killing is part of something much more sinister, and her genetic ability to time travel makes Kate the only one who can fix the future. Risking everything, she travels back in time to the Chicago World’s Fair to try to prevent the murder and the chain of events that follows.

Changing the timeline comes with a personal cost—if Kate succeeds, the boy she loves will have no memory of her existence. And regardless of her motives, does Kate have the right to manipulate the fate of the entire world?

Time’s Echo (A CHRONOS Files Novella): 

Kiernan Dunne abandoned his family ties to help Kate fight the Cyrists, and he’s never regretted that for one moment. But he doesn’t understand why Kate can’t remember that night in 1893 Chicago, when she turned back to face the killer chasing them through the smoky corridors of the World’s Fair Hotel. Kate placed the CHRONOS key around his neck and made his eight year old self promise to wear it always, and that’s a promise Kiernan has never broken.

When Kate suddenly vanishes after a Cyrist-engineered time shift, that hidden medallion is Kiernan’s only hope for finding her. He returns to the Cyrist fold to look for clues, but his search will lead him back to the question that has haunted him for years-what really happened after he left Kate at the World’s Fair Hotel?

Time’s Edge (The CHRONOS Files Book 2): 

To stop her sadistic grandfather, Saul, and his band of time travelers from rewriting history, Kate must race to retrieve the CHRONOS keys before they fall into the Cyrists’ hands. If she jumps back in time and pulls the wrong key—one that might tip off the Cyrists to her strategy—her whole plan could come crashing down, jeopardizing the future of millions of innocent people. Kate’s only ally is Kiernan, who also carries the time-traveling gene. But their growing bond threatens everything Kate is trying to rebuild with Trey, her boyfriend who can’t remember the relationship she can’t forget.

As evidence of Saul’s twisted mind builds, Kate’s missions become more complex, blurring the line between good and evil. Which of the people Saul plans to sacrifice in the past can she and Kiernan save without risking their ultimate goal—or their own lives?


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  1. A Special Announcement and Upcoming Books Schedule | Nina Perez

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