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Wynonna Earp - S2E7 - Everyone Knows

Previously on Wynonna Earp, “Whiskey Lullaby

For the past couple episodes Team Wynonna has suffered a series of unfortunate events. The hits don’t stop coming in “Everybody Knows” but they don’t exactly knock the wind out of the Earps’ sails. Like the old adage goes, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” and by episode’s end, Wynonna is assured that she’s capable of being far more resilient and powerful than she’s ever been for the sake of her heritage, and the bun in her oven.

Whelp, it’s officially official: Constance Clootie is no more. The Widows haven’t a need for her dessicated head (those salt flats really do wonders for one’s complexion) and unceremoniously toss it into a fire. Unfortunately for Doc, the destruction of her remains activated the a squad of ghost Marshalls led by one of their most decorated officers, the legendary Bass Reeves (Adrian Holmes). A wonderfully understated quality about Wynonna Earp is its incorporation of Old West history within its expanding mythology, which can provide even more richness to a flourishing, complex narrative.

Even if Bass Reeves and his Marshalls were a one-and-done, Holmes’ inclusion during this supremely fun episode proved the writing staff isn’t afraid to reach deep into Old West lore, and provide greater insight into the world of Earp we love so much. As Doc mentioned, the life isn’t as it once was a century ago; thankfully goods are far more convenient and mortality rates are dropped precipitously since the day he was dropped in a well. Our criminal justice system has progressed a good deal as well, but that wasn’t going to help Doc any when his past suddenly came up on burned him on the neck.

We all know John Henry wasn’t the most scrupulous dentist/poker player/seasonal deputy in the territories, but who knew something as paltry as infidelity warranted a death sentence?

As Doc prepared for Reeves (and received super unpleasant news from Waverly), Jeremy and Xavier try their darndest to concoct a potion to use against The Widow’s paralyzing breath. Leave it to former agent Chetri to create a binding spell, forcing the three amigos to be that much closer to one another. It’s not the best time to fool around with incantations as Xavier and Jeremy could share Doc’s fate as a result of Marshall Reeve’s swift execution of his orders. For a man with a prolific career like Bass, it almost seems like a waste of his talents to deal with a minor indiscretion but hey… if you’ve been trapped on earth for over a hundred years as a specter, you’d probably hang a known outlaw for getting his hump on too.

Silliness aside, it was a welcome change of pace that allowed the guys to bond and partake in the lighter side of Earp, when they’re usually charging into a scene guns blazing. Theirs could be the last glimmer of joviality this season given the darker than usual nature of the story arc. In any case, it gives Earpers hope that John Henry, Xavier and Jeremy will written into more amusing misadventures next season!

While the boys are up to their hijinks, Wynonna and Nicole spent some time at Pussy Willows, a club so ratchet the lights probably should be dimmed even more. After a few shots of rotgut, Earp finally admitted to Haught the real purpose of their visit: to lurk over PW’s bartender, Jonas (Mark Ghanimé), a potential baby daddy and surprise, surprise… a revenant to boot! Of course Wynonna wasn’t aware of Jonas’ supernatural status at the time, she was only concerned in blowing off some steam after her harrowing encounter with Two-Faced Jack. The sudden revelation was a frightening twist to an already stressful series of events.

The initial unease in telling Jonas the news quickly turned to regret as Earp’s one-nighter took way too much pride in possibly getting the Heir pregnant. Per usual, Ghanimé turns up the charm in his special way, which is the only thing that makes such a repugnant, misogynist demon like Jonas tolerable by only the thinnest of margins. Not only does he gloat about hooking up with a very drunk Wynonna, but Jonas already has plans for the baby and his place among the other revenants.

Near episode’s end, virtually everyone wanted Jonas to be sent back to Hell and we got what we wanted, including the continued affirmation that Wynonna is far more strong than she realizes. Yes, having a loving, considerate dad in her child’s life would be a wonderful bonus. In spite of Waverly’s sleight, I’m nearly certain Doc will keep his word no matter if he’s the biological father or not. Still and all, it truly takes a village to raise a child and Earp has pretty much the best extended family she could hope for. Demon hybrid, fully human, a giant doughnut… whatever it is, child will be loved.

Notes from the Ghost River Dispatch

  • Look at Dolls being a protective uncle! Even though the BBD as we knew it is no more, Xavier still requires Wynonna to have “health clearance” before kicking ass and taking names like old times.
  • Before torching what’s left of the Stone Witch, the Widow wearing Mercedes’ face dropped a pretty juicy nugget about the third seal: Clootie and one other know of its location. Curiouser and curiouser!
  • The one-two punch that is Waves and Jeremy have been super effective when it comes researching the enemy. It seems the one of the seals was etched in Phoenician. Are The Widows attempting to summon one of the Canaanite pantheon? Melqart or Yarikh, perhaps? Don’t tell us they’re going for Baal
  • When everyone including Wynonna apologizes for their quips involving pregnancy and motherhood. Sorry, mystery baby! I’m sure they’ll all mature in time… most likely after you graduate high school.
Wynonna Earp S2E8
  • 8/10
    Plot - 8/10
  • 9/10
    Dialogue - 9/10
  • 9/10
    Performances - 9/10

"Everybody Knows"

Wynonna Earp - S2E7 - Everybody Knows | Melanie Scrofano, Shamier Anderson, Tim Rozon, Dominique Provost-Chalkley, Katherine Barrell, Varun Saranga, Dani Kind | Writer: Brendon Yorke | Director: Paolo Barzman

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About Rexlor Graymond (493 Articles)
Rex Graymond is 24.6kg tripolymer composite, 11.8kg beryllium-nickel-titanium alloy. Constructed in Northern California. Loves comics and films almost as much as pancakes. ALMOST.
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