Antebellum Marvel: X-Men (2006) #1
Previously in Civil War #3
I’m traveling the road to Civil War with Marvel so I can be caught up by the time this storyline hits the big screen. Please do not comment with spoilers if you’re familiar with this particular story arc, but you are welcome to provide non-spoiler answers to any questions I may ask in the review. If you are interested in following along, here’s the reading order I’ll be following.
Who’s In It:
Various X-Men, including Bishop, Emma Frost, and Cyclops. Tony Stark (Iron Man)
What Happens:
Shatterstar and Domino (X-Force) break a group of mutants referred to as The 198 out of the X-Men’s compound despite heavy opposition from Bishop, other mutants, and Sentinels.
When the dust settles, Bishop is pissed that Cyclops made the call to stop the fighting and allowed them to escape. What follows is a very interesting debate as to whether or not the X-Men should police themselves and a quick game of Oppression Olympics.
Later, Tony Stark puts Bishop in charge of the team sent to capture The 198, while Cyclops, Beast, and Archangel set off to find them on their own. After seeing them off, Emma Frost is stopped by a Sentinel for being outside of the designated perimeter of the Xavier Estate. Oops.
X-Men (2006) #1
I’m not really clear on who The 198 are, but it seems the members of X-Force who broke them out are anti-Registration so I assumed The 198 were mutants who were also against it.
This was one of my favorites in this event so far. I loved the inner conflict between the X-Men. The series continues to present each character’s motivation for where they fall in a compelling way, like Bishop having grown up being oppressed informs how he feels about this fight.