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Geek Item of The Week: Dancing Groot

Guuuuuuurl. This is what I’m talking about. Dancing fucking Groot.


I’ve been waiting my whole life for this. Okay, I’ve been waiting for a month. But whatever, same thing. I knew Pop! would come through for us with their Groot Vinyl bobble-head figure. And let’s not forget he dances!

Pre-order this now and it’ll be released just in time for a Christmas present to me your loved ones.

About Patti Matteucci (265 Articles)
Patti Matteucci plays in an imaginary band in Illinois where she rocks the mic like a vandal while simultaneously cooking MCs like a pound of bacon. She is into most nerdy things but doesn’t excel enough in any to be labeled a nerd. One of her top skillz is scouring the internet for recipes, printing out a big pile, and then throwing them away before ever trying them when she remembers that you can have food made and delivered to your front door by somebody else. She is a 14 year old trapped inside a 33 year old’s body (or maybe also a 14 year old’s body) with an unabashed love for Justin Bieber and far too much time spent marrying celebrities in Sims 3.
Contact: Facebook

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