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The Muppets - S1E14 - Little Green Lie

Previously on The Muppets, ‘Got Silk?’

Images: ABC

“Aunt Miss Piggy” 

This week is all about the relationships. There’s almost no show drama because we have plenty going on. Kermit’s nephew Robin comes for a visit and because Robin’s parents are getting a divorce, Kermit talks Miss Piggy into pretending they’re still together. He also has to tell Piggy that he and Denise broke up, so Kermit is not having the best day.

Kermit tries to keep Robin away from the cast because they are horrible at keeping secrets but they all end up at laser tag post show and in true Muppets fashion the lie comes crashing down. Scooter is particularly devastated since he tweeted the news to his Twitter followers.

“Three is a posse”

Our other epic love story: Gonzo and Camilla. The two of them have settled into a routine and Rizzo and Pepe are not happy. They’re looking for a replacement in their crew since Gonzo keeps staying at home to watch Logan’s Run. They have a wingman challenge and Pepe tries to seal the deal with Lara Spencer from Good Morning America. Luckily, Camilla is officially “the cool chicken” and let’s her man hang out with his friends. 

Side Notes

  • Scooter takes all of his snacks from the set.
  • Camilla sorts her eggs in “breakfast” and “possible offspring” #responsibleparenting
  • Up Late With Miss Piggy’s latest segment “Friendly Feud” was a little weak, though Janice thinking ice cream comes from frozen cows was great. 

Quote of the Week: “The only thing I use lasers for is burning weird things off my body”- Miss Piggy

Honorable Mention: “Oh no! You made me the first person in the world to lie on Twitter!” – Scooter

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About Shanna B (64 Articles)
Shanna is a long-standing geek who was a shipper before shipping was a thing. She is a contributor and podcaster for Movie Trailer Reviews. Based in the Bay Area, she frequents comic book shops, donut shops, and parks in no particular order.
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