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4 Pillars TCG: Get Your Geek On!

If you haven’t figured it out already, I’m the lone Project Fandom ranger out here in the state of Hawaii. As such, geek events are few and far between with the exception of Kawaii-Kon and the midnight releases at GameStop.

That all changed with a stroke of luck this past Sunday when the 4 Pillars TCG hosted its first gathering. I was approached by Jeffery Kahakua, a classmate of mine, to volunteer my time in coordinating some of the activities.

The 4 Pillars TCG was started as a means to promote trading card gaming and create a community outreach for geeks of all ages in a fun family environment. Other hobbies are more than welcome as well. For their first gathering they hosted a small Pokemon tournament and also had spaces open for Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh! card games as well. I haven’t played a single Pokemon card game since middle school so there was a bit of nostalgia watching all the participants play. Others in attendance found themselves running and gunning in a special Halo 4 Slayer game.[pullquote]There hasn’t been a base of support for the table-top gaming community.[/pullquote]

While acting as a volunteer staffer and “muscle” at this event, I was able to meet and talk to Darren Ide, the Director of Gaming at Kawaii-Kon and the upcoming Hawaii-Con. He was impressed with the turnout and pleased with the efforts that were made. He mentioned that there hasn’t been a base of support for the table-top gaming community and hopes by having a venue for it, that support will grow and more hobbyists will come out and share with others.

I am definitely on board for this venture and will be frequenting it as often as I can. I can only hope by bringing all the geeks together under one roof, we can finally make that push to rule the islands with an iron fist.

What? The geek will inherit the earth, as I’ve been told.

About Matthew Freitas (52 Articles)
Matthew Freitas is the resident Green Lantern and Hired Sword patrolling the Project Fandom sector of the internet. He brings reviews of some of the latest games and movies. When he has down time, he can be found doing almost any geek-related activity.

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