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Podcast Fandom Premium

For three years, Project Fandom has delivered quality pop culture entertainment in the form of reviews, recaps, and interviews. Their weekly podcast, Podcast Fandom, has covered some of the best (and maybe not so best) TV on their weekly show, like:

They’ve also provided podcast coverage on other topics like anime, books, comic books, and graphic novels:

Our team of professional fans (ProFans) have delivered this content for free.

In order to continue maintaining the site and podcast fees, we’ve decided to offer additional premium podcast content at a cost.


Podcast Fandom Premium, hosted by Nina and Donny(*), will include – at a minimum – 3 to 4 podcasts each month. They will include any or all of the following:

  • coverage of Jessica Jones (a Netflix original series)
  • coverage of Preacher (AMC)
  • Netflix & Chill (Patrons pick a movie on Netflix for the hosts to review / Baby-making is optional)
  • Podcast Fandom Movie Night (Patrons pick a movie currently in theaters for the hosts to review)
  • Racism & Shade: A conversation on some aspect of pop culture, delivered with an abundant amount of racism or shade
  • Write On: A podcast of Nina reading from novels in progress, interviewing other writers/editors, or talking through the writing process.
  • coverage of yet-to-be determined shows, voted on by Patrons (Westworld, Legends of Tomorrow, Luke Cage, Daredevil, etc., are just a few possibilities)

Here’s how pledging works:

$10.00 + per month (**) will get you access to each of the premium shows for the month and access to the milestone rewards when they are reached. You will also get access to a Dropbox folder with old Premium shows. Finally, Premium members will have exclusive access to Project Fandom giveaways for games, comic books, books, and more.

Monthly donations between $1.00-$9.00 will go towards podcast and hosting fees, and the eventual purchase of better/new recording equipment. This pledge is ideal for original listeners of Podcast Fandom, Geek in Review, Throwback Thursday, and/or Project Fandom’s Book Club shows, who have also reached out for ways to support the site for the content we already provide.

If you are an original listener of Podcast Fandom, Geek in Review, Throwback Thursday, and/or Project Fandom Book Club shows, but wish to keep enjoying it for the low, low price of free, then you’re in luck because nothing will change.

Patrons with $10 or more monthly donations will always have input on choosing rewards, milestone goals, coverage topics, and more.

* As we reach our financial goals, we will add other Project Fandom contributors as co-hosts so they can be financially compensated for their time.

** As we reach our financial goals, we’ll add additional content for those donating more the $10 monthly minimum. Ex: $10/month gets 3-4 shows per month, $25/month gets 5 shows per month, etc.

More Patrons benefits everyone: we reach our milestones faster and provide more content, and your monthly contribution remains the same. Several listeners have expressed a desire to make one-time annual donations, and we’re looking into the most cost effective way to make that happen as well as allowing listeners to purchase single shows a la carte.

We’re always open to ideas to make the premium shows the best they can be so don’t hesitate to reach out!

If you’re interested in becoming a Patron, just click here.

About Project Fandom (1122 Articles)
Project Fandom offers up the latest in TV, movies, books, comics, anime, manga, and more for the geek in all of us.

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