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Arrow - S5E21 - Honor Thy Father

Last week’s episode saw Prometheus trapping Oliver and Felicity in the Arrow Cave to work out their issues (and slowly suffocate), while Team Arrow worked to get them free. Also, most importantly, it flashed back to some unsanitary workplace sex between Oliver and Felicity that very nearly convinced me that they actually have sexual chemistry.

This week’s episode was decidedly less sexy, unless you think gifting someone a corpse encased in cement counts as foreplay, in which case Prometheus had a very sexy surprise waiting for Oliver in his office. Prometheus - not the greatest gift giver. Even worse, the corpse was the victim of foul play at the hands of Oliver’s dad. A killer in the Queen family? More likely than you’d think.

Images: The CW

The Good

Thea is back, impeccably dressed and spouting wisdom, as is her custom. Everyone pray to their chosen deity that she’s back for good.

The end of the flashbacks is nigh, with Oliver finally back on Lian Yu. As bittersweet as it is to say goodbye to Anatoli, who has somehow become one of the best characters on the show, it will be a relief to be free of the most tired of plot devices. Also, Anatoli gifting Oliver a fake beard so that he’d seem like he’d been on the island for longer was a hilarious nod to his absolutely terrible wigs over the years.

Rene and Lance make such a wonderful duo, and Lance’s disappointment at Rene not showing up for his custody hearing was surprisingly moving, given that I don’t actually think that he should get his daughter back. Side note: what’s the bet that Rene’s absence was less to do with choice, and more to do with Prometheus’ episode ending smug grin?

The Bad

For the show to even pretend that a villain as formidable as Prometheus was brought down by a speech from Oliver is really an insult to our intelligence (and really makes me question Team Arrow’s).

Quotes of the Week

Thea Queen, speaking truth: “Ollie you have a habit of giving orders and just assuming that they are agreements.”

Diggle: “Are we good?”
Curtis: “We’re terrific! … I’ve been waiting to use that.”

About Alison Millward (103 Articles)
Alison is a big nerd living in Melbourne, Australia. She is a lover of all things television, particularly anything in the "hot young people in depressing sci-fi situations" genre. When not watching tv, Alison enjoys long walks on the beach, corrupting young minds, and actively avoiding thinking about her future.
Contact: Facebook

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