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Arrow - S6E4 - Reversal

Previously on Arrow, “Next of Kin”

After leaving the plot thread dangling for long enough to lull everyone into a false sense of security, Arrow finally caught up with mysterious and nefarious Cayden James, who is taking full advantage of his Felicity-procured freedom to wreak havoc by … uh… destroying the internet? Who am I kidding; I don’t even care that the writers seem to think that the entire internet is controlled by a bunch of servers locked in one building in the US. They earned enough goodwill to ignore how incredibly moronic the plot is by casting the phenomenal Michael Emerson as James. Emerson gracing my screen once again is almost enough to fill the Person of Interest shaped hole in my heart. Almost.

The Good

MICHAEL EMERSON. Need I elaborate?

Oliver and Felicity had a real role reversal this week, with Felicity the one ducking out during dinner to handle an emergency, and Oliver stuck back at base helping the Team over the coms. Aside from the obvious amusement that comes from seeing Oliver out of his element, it was real showcase for how far the characters have come since season one, both as a couple and as individuals.

Images: The CW

Arrow has often had trouble presenting Olicity as anything other than heavily imbalanced, with the relationship stuck in the boss/employee dynamic from the first season, but this episode, for the first time, they felt like equal partners in a mature relationship, as well as giving Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards a bit more to work with. Plus, we got see Slade Wilson cockblock Oliver, which has gotta be pretty annoying (though possibly not as bad as the time he murdered Moira).

The Bad

As much as seeing Quentin angst over his dead daughter and her evil doppelgänger can get repetitive, his absence in such a Siren-heavy episode was extremely conspicuous, as well as making me very concerned about Paul Blackthorne pulling a Thea and appearing less and less until he’s finally put in a convenient coma so that he can go off and act elsewhere.

There is enough horror in the world without people continuing to use the word “Hacktivist” unironically.

A wise woman recently clued me in to the fact that Diggle looks like a goddam Ninja Turtle in the Arrow suit, and it has forever ruined any chance there was of me taking him seriously as Oliver’s replacement. (Editor’s Note: You’re welcome, Alison.)

Quotes of the Week

Curtis - “Are you kidding me? I was like you guys’ biggest shipper. I feel like the reconciliation taking effect was kinda on me.”

Felicity – “You’re amazing.”
Curtis – “I’m terrific!”

Alena, after Felicity loudly telegraphed her knife attack – “Do you always announce your attacks like that?”

Laurel, sarcastically, to the newly not-Oliver Green Arrow – “You’ve changed something about yourself, I just can’t put my finger on it”

Arrow S6E4 Review Score
  • 7/10
    Plot - 7/10
  • 9/10
    Dialogue - 9/10
  • 9/10
    Performances - 9/10


Arrow - S6E4 - “Reversal” | Starring: Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickard, Paul Blackthorne, Katie Cassidy, Willa Holland, David Ramsey, Echo Kellum, Rick Gonzalez, Juliana Harkavy

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5 (1 vote)
About Alison Millward (103 Articles)
Alison is a big nerd living in Melbourne, Australia. She is a lover of all things television, particularly anything in the "hot young people in depressing sci-fi situations" genre. When not watching tv, Alison enjoys long walks on the beach, corrupting young minds, and actively avoiding thinking about her future.
Contact: Facebook

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