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Carrie Viral Marketing Scares The Sh*t Out of Coffee Shop Patrons

There was a time when the hottest coffee shop in New York featured Rachel serving java and chit chat to her Friends.

That was before a genius in the Carrie marketing team developed the #FlexLikeCarrie campaign. Unsuspecting New Yorkers are filmed bearing witness to what would happen if telekenisis and a woman scorned truly met off the big screen.

The result is pure entertainment and did the unthinkable - it actually made me more excited to see the new adaption of Carrie on October 18, 2013.

For the record - I would have totally been the little yelping lady doing my best to get the whole show on my phone recorder.  How would you have reacted?

About Teri Bildstein (45 Articles)
Teri Bildstein firmly believes sleep is for the weak. She avoids this nasty pitfall by juggling her time between family, duties as Owner/Designer of Tide Together Jewelry and Gifts, ProFan contributor, and sharing her inexhaustible opinions with the people of the Internet. She is certain her marriage to Norman Reedus will be a lovely affair....provided she has a chance to meet him.

2 Comments on Carrie Viral Marketing Scares The Sh*t Out of Coffee Shop Patrons

  1. I love how the guy at 1:44 just drops everything like, “SHIT!”

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