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Gotham - S2E2 - Knock, Knock

Previously on Gotham, ‘Damned If You Do

Knock, knock… monsters are coming! It is a new day in Gotham and Gordon is plunged onto a high-profile case tracking the deadly inmate escapees from Arkham Asylum. The MANIAX!, as they are calling themselves, are wreaking havoc on the city and no one seems to be able to stop them. They even attack the GCPD and leave a trail of bodies including people we did not see dying this soon in the series.

Galavan plans his next move as he terrorizes Mayor James and attempts to direct his merry band of serial killers and sociopaths on how to showcase their talents for the world to see. All this mayhem is going on in the city as Bruce and Alfred ask for help from Lucius Fox in an effort to help unlock the secrets of Bruce’s father’s clandestine office computer. But before all that, Bruce fires Alfred for trying to protect him and then hires him back when he realizes he cannot continue on this hero journey alone. The show ends with a death, a prelude of the chaos that is to come, and Bullock is back, strapped and ready to put his new fiancé in her place… not sure how that is going to play out though.

Images: FOX

Most Terrifying Villain(s):

This week it goes to a group of degenerates. As the editor of the Gotham Gazette is doing his best Perry White impression as bodies are falling from the sky, the Arkham escapees, Robert Greenwood (Dustin Ybarra), Arnold Dobkins (Will Brill), Aaron Helzinger (Sink Fisher) and led by Jerome, are playing a version of sky(scraper) writing but with people, and the writing is on the ground and not in the sky. Oh and how do you spell “MANIAX!”?

Holy One Liner(s), Batman:

The MANIAX! have just about killed every cop in the GCPD building. Jerome has a nice conversation about crazy with Commissioner Essen as he attempts to relay that he is not crazy. After they go back and forth about whether anyone will remember Jerome’s name, he lets her know that there is “nothing more contagious than laugher.” But not before Jerome shoots Greenwood for stealing the line first! He says it so much better than he did before Essen spat in his face, which he found strangely pleasant, as a psychopath would.   

Most Ridiculous Scene(s):

I am all for showing your villains are crazy, but this is a bit much. Tabitha and Barbara get to play dominatrix with Mayor James, who happens to have a box on his head. As they whip him around the room  he runs into a wall and knocks himself out.

Honorable Mention:

How is fire that slow? Is Gordon secretly the Avatar or something? The way that fire crept towards the bus giving Gordon time to drive the bus to safety was just nonsensical.

Best Scene:

As the Arkham boyz are playing with sharp things (bringing a chainsaw to a sword fight) Galavan has to break up a fight between Jerome and Greenwood before someone loses a head. Galavan lets them know they do not fight among each other; they are a team. Greenwood tells everyone he is the captain of the group. Jerome defiantly states, “the captain of my foot.” Then Greenwood says he has murdered a dozen women, what has Jerome done, “chop up your mommy?”

In a mater a fact voice, Jerome relays, “…everyone has to start somewhere.”

Galavan opines that they have to settle this once and for all. He brings out the revolver and loads it with one bullet. Both seem to relish in the moment, Jerome steals the show with his taking three straight turns at pulling the trigger. “Who is the boss?” he asks as he passes the gun back to Greenwood.     

Ironic Scene:

Galavan discusses the evil plan to terrify Gotham: take from them what they hold dear, offer them salvation and then Gotham is theirs. When did villains become the donut eaters? What is the world coming to?

Best Performance (You Know There Has To Be One):

Has to be Jerome! Between the chainsaw scene, the give me an “O” scene on the bus (as he douses the bus full of cheerleaders with gasoline) and the back and forth with Commissioner Essen, he stole the show. He had the best lines and did a haunting rendition of the Crown Prince of Crime.

Worst Performance (Because There Are So Many To Choose From):

Not that it was bad, but it was the worst. It has to be Gordon. It was even worse than Bruce and Barbara. And that is saying something. Barbara was actually good this week.

Other Goings On:

Nygma is still talking to himself, but finally takes some action and not only almost asks out the girl, he saves the girl during the GCPD attack! Oh, I think Ms. Kringle is interested now! 


Was not expecting Jerome to kill Essen. I thought she would be around for a while and now two women of color are gone off the show. Lets hope they get a replacement. Essen was one of the bright spots on the show. Here’s hoping the next actor, who I believe will be Michael Chiklis, brings his phone book and is ready to break some bones because this group of criminals are obviously not scared to kill a few of Gotham’s finest.  

Wrapping Up:

Game-score-8This episode was a huge improvement over last week. I laughed, I cried, I yelled BS at the TV. The episode had everything. Although Jerome was the best part of the show this week, I hope the writers don’t make this a Jerome-only season. I would like to see the other villains as well written and acted as he was this week. Nygma had “flashes” of good acting this episode, with his Gollum impression in the file room. That was really good, too. So I am choosing to have faith that the show will spread the love and give every major villain his or her due this season.

About Michael James (88 Articles)
An Air Force brat and former bluesuiter, Michael was raised all over the country, but calls the southwest his home… although you would not know it since he currently resides in the nation’s capital! (For now…?) He is also a reformed government black suit and tie guy who now gives back to the world one child at a time as a child therapist. He was brought up on Star Trek NG, Buck Rogers and old BSG TV shows and he loves most things Geek (TV: GoT, BSG, Fringe, Walking Dead; Comics: Image, DC, Marvel; Movies: Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, Serenity, The Avengers, Man of Steel (I know!), Pacific Rim, and Edge of Tomorrow. His perfect time would be traipsing around the world with his family and his two dogs, discovering and experiencing all kinds of ridiculous adventures. Too bad he doesn’t have William Bell money!

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