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Gotham - S3E6 - Mad City: Follow the White Rabbit

Previously on Gotham, “Anything For You”

Gotham - S3E6 - “Mad City: Follow the White Rabbit” | Starring:  Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, David Mazouz, Morena Baccarin, Sean Pertwee, Robin Lord Taylor, Erin Richards, Camren Bicondova, Cory Michael Smith, Jesica Lucas, Chris Chalk, Drew Powell, Michael Chiklis, Benedict Samuel, and Maggie Geha.

Time for the Hatter to go all crazy up in Gotham. And that is exactly what happens. From the jump, Tetch’s first act of villainy “jumps” the viewers right into the deep end of crazy letting us know that this episode has consequences. I liked the way the show builds making viewers like me think that the show would actually kill off someone very close to Gordon… maybe? The story did not mesh all the storylines like last week’s episode, but it was entertaining. Was it as good as last week? No, but I feel they were attempting to make an impression almost like they were trying to keep pace with another show (which I will reveal later) that is so far outside of this show’s league, but good try, guys.

Images: FOX

So we find the Mad Hatter collecting people for his tea party. So far, he has three and he is focused on Gordon to make the decision as to what happens to them. Meanwhile, Gordon and Vale are having breakfast. She is a breath of fresh air and definitely on Gordon’s level. And I think she is beginning to really like him. As she leaves Gordon hungry on so many different levels, Tetch sends his version of a white rabbit to fetch Gordon for his game. Gordon has to make a choice: save the couple or the kid. We are all sentimental about kids so who is it going to be?  The kid, of course, and the show went there. The episode did a lot of pushing the boundaries of TV with all kinds of killing.

Tetch has a corkboard full of clues from his past for Gordon to contemplate. When Gordon tries to play games with Tetch, he is not amused and continues with his game of collecting things Gordon holds dear. He takes Vale as his next play piece and then Thompkins to complete the set. He, of course, sets the game up to where Gordon has to choose. But before we get to the main act we have to “build to the climax”, as Tetch would say, and two of Gotham’s finest die because Gordon does not want to play the game.

Gordon uses Tetch’s white rabbit to find where his next tea party will be: at Leah Thompkins’ house.  But this time, Gordon is not coming alone. So as the party commences, Tetch, with the help of Tweedledee and Tweedledum, has to find out who he loves. The problem is when you deal with crazy you never know what is going to happen and that is exactly what happens (did everyone get that?)  Gordon chooses Thompkins and Tetch shoots Vale.

Wow…and again…the show did it and Gordon did not even cry out!  No love man.  But no one believes he wanted Tetch to shoot Thompkins right?  The show is going to say that Gordon knew Tetch would shoot the opposite of who Gordon said to, Gordon is not the “if I can’t have her no one can” type.  But we all know she lives in the end and Tetch lives to fight another episode.

On the other side of town, it looks like the show is going to press forward with the Penguin and Nygma romance. I don’t remember if Penguin is gay in the comics but hey, why not? So Penguin wants to profess his feelings to Nygma. What is that going to look? Like feet dragging, currently.  Penguin has a hard time telling Nygma how he feels and instead waits for another day. In the meantime, Penguin actually gets to influence a young school boy at a school he is touring to be more like him - if you can’t join them, push them down the stairs. Later in the episode, Penguin talks to himself again (the first time at breakfast) over another meal practicing his profession of love.  Unfortunately for him, Nygma bumps into a blast from the past. I think Nygma now believes in reincarnation and this version of Ms. Kringle (Chelsea Spack) speaks his language. Let the fireworks begin.

Best Scene: Penguin essentially talking to himself over breakfast. The little things he was saying about what his mom had taught him and getting his maid language lessons all Trump-style were too funny! 

Honorable Mention: Why I am all about Barbara and her interaction with Gordon? I don’t know, but her scenes are “gold Jerry!” 

Craziest Scene: “Who’s it going to be?” Gordon chooses the little boy as most of us would. I was not sure they were going to do it and then the show pushes the Game of Thrones button and body just drops in.

Best Line(s):  “Well I am happy,” says Gordon as he watches Vale have breakfast.  And she replies, “Of course you are.  You get to drink scotch all day and have sex with me.”

Honorable Mention:  Penguin does some great role modeling as he tell a little boy who just wants friends that if the other kids don’t like him, “when they turn their backs…push them down the stairs.”

Most Ridiculous/Funny Scene: Tetch is trying to be all villainy, but Gordon is having none of it.  He hangs up the phone in the middle of Tetch’s dialogue, which, like all good villains, he hates.  So Gordon promptly does it again.

Honorable Mention: Penguin is having breakfast and he is discussing his love life with Helga the maid. She does not seem all that interested in what he is saying and it does not help that she only speaks Russian. That is okay, though, because he is going to enroll her in an ESL class.  She has to learn the language if she is going to work there.          

Gotham S3E6
  • 7/10
    Plot - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Dialogue - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Action - 6/10
  • 6/10
    Performances - 6/10


This episode was all about Tetch’s revenge on Gordon, and a little bit of Penguin and Nygma sprinkled in for good measure. All I could think about was The Walking Dead themes all over this episode. It was all about choices and the consequences that come from those choices. And with some The Walking Dead alumni on the show (the actor who plays Tetch was the main wolf in season 6), it was easier to draw those comparisons.  Not sure if the show was trying to do it but either way you get there all the same. 

The sound of a heartbeat as Gordon makes the choice of who lives or dies was not as effective as, silence would have been. Oh, and there was no Bruce this episode and oddly enough he was not missed. 

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About Michael James (88 Articles)
An Air Force brat and former bluesuiter, Michael was raised all over the country, but calls the southwest his home… although you would not know it since he currently resides in the nation’s capital! (For now…?) He is also a reformed government black suit and tie guy who now gives back to the world one child at a time as a child therapist. He was brought up on Star Trek NG, Buck Rogers and old BSG TV shows and he loves most things Geek (TV: GoT, BSG, Fringe, Walking Dead; Comics: Image, DC, Marvel; Movies: Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, Serenity, The Avengers, Man of Steel (I know!), Pacific Rim, and Edge of Tomorrow. His perfect time would be traipsing around the world with his family and his two dogs, discovering and experiencing all kinds of ridiculous adventures. Too bad he doesn’t have William Bell money!

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