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Intruders - S1E2 - And Here… You Must Listen

Previously on Intruders, ‘She Was Provisional’

Madison comes out of her Marcus trance to find she’s in the middle of a bus terminal. A ticket in her pocket, plus some quick flashes, tells her she boarded a bus from her hometown to Portland, OR. From the bus station she walked to a building, banged on a door like she was the damn police, and received a leather-bound book with a gold 9 on the cover from an Asian woman who greeted her with, “Welcome back.” The book is also in her pocket, and inside of it is another ticket: an open ticket from Portland to Seattle. The front page of the book reads, “In the beginning there was death.” Someone also made it rain cash in an envelope and she has a key.

Question: Why the hell is she so filthy?

In Seattle, Jack heads to Amy’s law offices to drop off her phone and find out where the hell she’s been. Her boss, Mr. Todd Crane, tells him that Amy isn’t there and wasn’t supposed to be there. Doh. Jack tries to play it off like he knew that all along. This is awkward as hell. Also, creepy: Todd is certainly acting like he knows something.

Jack is asleep in his car, dreaming of a time when Amy woke up speaking Russian. When he snapped her out of it, she said, “In the beginning there was death.” Oookay. Jack is also dodging calls from his friend back home. You know the one whose car he borrowed. I bet Jack is the type to return your car on E. Later, Jack gets a call telling him to stop looking for Amy. Even if he finds her, she’s already gone.

Oz Turner’s (the podcaster from last week) death was ruled a suicide, but his podcasting friend, Tim Truth, has picked up the mic where Oz left off. He’s calling bullshit on Oz’s death and says it was at the hands of the secret society Oz exposed, Qui Reverti. (Shout out to the Intruders’ social media team on Twitter for hooking me up with the spelling of that.)

Madison’s parents, who are separated, are stressing out over her disappearance, as well they should be. An Amber Alert can’t be called until the authorities are sure she was taken and not just off playing hide-and-seek or something. If that is truly the way the law works, that’s insane. Anyway, Shepherd comes calling playing the “I’m a helpful FBI agent” card. He vows to bring Madison back to where she came. Then he asks really invasive/weird questions about Madison speaking a foreign language she didn’t previously know, sleepwalking, etc. When the parents get suspicious of him, he deflects their request for ID by dropping a bomb on the dad: His wife has been having an affair. Welp. While the wife is chasing after her pissed off husband, Shepherd searches Madison’s room and finds that she did indeed write, “What goes around comes around” on a pad of paper.

Jack has taken to approaching cabbies in Seattle trying to find George, the one who found his wife’s phone. Meanwhile, a man in black is following him around. Via a dispatcher, George learns that Jack is looking for him and finds him at a bar. After being convinced that Jack isn’t a crazy man and once Jack learns that George is a pretty decent guy, they talk about Amy over a beer. George said that Amy was a bit of a weirdo who was talking about living in Russia, being a part of the Czar secret police, and that she once assassinated a labor strike leader in the 1800s. Jack’s face says, “That doesn’t make any damn sense,” but his mind flashes back to Amy waking up speaking Russian.

As Madison waits in line to board her bus, she reads the notebook in her pocket and through that and some memory flashes she learns that death is not inevitable and that she has been here before. The book begins with her “new life” as Madison, but clearly she was someone else before. A ticket agent puts a stop to Madison’s plans when he won’t let her board unaccompanied by an adult. He’s sorry. “You’re not sorry. But you will be, asshole. What goes around, comes around.” In Madison’s defense, that guy was a bit of a dick.

Shepherd shows up at the building Madison went to and confronts the Asian woman. She’s pissed because “they” will kill her for what Shepherd has done (or not done since I think she’s referring to the fact that he didn’t kill Madison). She also notes that there wasn’t a book for Marcus Fox so she (Madison) won’t understand it. Shepherd saves her the trouble of being killed by whoever “they” are by killing her himself.

Shepherd really needs to work on his people skills.

Madison tries bribing a man to pretend he’s her dad so she can get on the bus, but it’s clear he expected Chris Hansen to appear and tell his ass to take a seat so he declines. Shepherd arrives and questions the ticket agent. Madison spots him and takes off. She does find a woman outside and asks if she’d drive her to Seattle in exchange for cash. The woman agrees. If there’s a faster way to end up in jail than taking a child who doesn’t belong to you across state lines, I can’t think of one right now.

George drives Jack around, retracing Amy’s steps and finally admits that Amy was with a man, though they just seemed like friends. Jack shows George a blurry picture of a man on Amy’s phone, but he can’t say if it’s the same guy. They end up at a condo where George offers to go inside and snoop, but a doorman turns him away. Then they’re both chased by two men in black. George takes a bit of a beating before Jack is able to fight them both off. One of the men starts to shoot Jack, but the other stops him saying, “She said no.”

George has had enough of this life. He tried to be nice and got his ass kicked for his troubles. He’s out.

Jack finally takes a call from his friend, looking for his car. He comes clean and tells him everything that has happened including that Amy is missing. There’s silence and then Amy gets on the line. She says she’s home, where she said she would be. Jack looks up and sees her boss, Todd Crane, on the balcony of the condo.

Meanwhile, Madison’s on the road with the strange lady, reading more of her Qui Reverti book, which promises that it will lead her through prison to freedom. Welcome back.


About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

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