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Supergirl - S2E18 - Ace Reporter

Previously on Supergirl, “Distant Sun”

Overall, this season of Supergirl has been enjoyable. No, it’s not on the level of Marvel’s Agents of Shield (Why aren’t you watching this?), DC Legends of Tomorrow (season 2; not season 1) or The Flash season 1 (PERFECTION!). Supergirl has been fine for what it is and what it wants to do. However, this episode predominantly features two of my least favorite characters, Kara Danvers and Guardian. So ProFans, be warned I gotta call it like I see it and from my view, it doesn’t look very good.

Images: The CW

Kara Danvers with

With the DEO not having a job for Supergirl, Kara takes Lena up on an invitation to see the unveiling of nanotechnology used to heal and cure disease. The event is held by Jack Spheer, an ex-boyfriend of Lena’s. In the past, they worked together, unsuccessfully on trying to crack the code to use nanotech to heal people. Even though the live test appeared to be a success, Kara and Snapper Carr, who was also in attendance, were approached separately by whistleblowers. Kara’s met her in a parking lot to warn her that the nano machines were harmful to humans and no human trials were done. Before Kara could get additional information from him, the nano machines attacked them destroying the car they were in instantly killing the whistle blower.

Snapper didn’t have better luck as when he went to meet his informant, he was attacked by the nano machines as well. The machines killed Snapper’s informant, but Snapper was saved by Supergirl using her freeze breath to give them enough time to escape. This gives Kara enough to suspect Jack of not being completely forthcoming with his nanotech.

When Kara and Mon-El decide to crash Lena and Jack’s date, Mon-El is able to take Jack’s security card. When they break into Jack’s office they learn that the only human trial was done was by Jack himself and he has turned into nano tech. Kara shows this evidence to Lena, who asks Kara to hold off on going forward with it until she talks to Jack. When Lena confronts Jack, he has no idea what she’s talking about. He’s telling the truth because the nano tech not only becomes him but overrides his free will and Jack is being controlled by his CFO, Beth Breen.

Breen wants to inject Lena with the nano machines to control her and thus controlling L-Corp, but Supergirl comes in to save Lena. Supergirl is overpowered by the nano tech, but after overpowering Breen, Lena is able to override and destroy it. This, however, kills Jack. With Breen in prison, we see Lena at her office feeling cold, and worried with all the loss she has endured she will go the path of her famous, villainous brother. Kara is there to let Lena know she will never lose her and she will always protect her.

This was a very skippable episode. It’s good to see Kara get her job back at Catco and learn a bit of a lesson on how to be a good reporter and work within the rules of that profession. The actor who plays Snapper Carr is great in his role and his banter with Kara is usually fun, but I wish that role could have been given to Jimmy and let him juggle his role at Catco and his friendship with Kara because I have no idea what Jimmy does at Catco besides sit in Cat’s office. Instead, Jimmy gets to be the most unnecessary of superhero in DCCW, Guardian. Not only does he have Wynn on his team, Guardian is given part of this episode to deal with Lyra wanting to be team Guardian. Who asked for this? I’ll keep watching the show because it has its moments, but let’s get back to the good stuff. Kara and Alex’s Dad and his endgame, will or won’t Lena go full Luthor, and Rhea’s plans for her son Mon-El and Supergirl.

Supergirl S2E18
  • 6/10
    Plot - 6/10
  • 7/10
    Dialogue - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Performances - 7/10
  • 7.5/10
    Action - 7.5/10

"Ace Reporter"

Starring: Melissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, David Harewood, Mehcad Brooks, Jeremy Jordan

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5 (1 vote)
About Brian McClain (75 Articles)
Brian is a fan of movies and shows that make you go “oh snap’ and all things Marvel and most things DC - yes you can like both!. He constantly struggles with having a job to buy video games versus not being able to play video games because he has a job. Brian is your favorite author’s favorite author it's just neither of you know it… yet! Enjoy the ride!

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