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Throwback Thursday Podcast: Veronica Mars S1E10 ‘An Echolls Family Christmas’

  • Logan throws up in his mouth a lot when his friends eye his mom in a bikini
  • Veronica Mars is like Columbo
  • Aaron Echolls gets around… a lot
  • Keith’s detective skills aren’t too sharp in this episode
  • Two words: creepy pumpkin

We hope you enjoy our new weekly podcast and join us every Thursday as we cover every episode of every season of Veronica Mars. To leave feedback that we’ll read on the air you can tweet us and use the hashtag #PFMarshmallows. You can also email it to projectfandom(at)gmail(dot)com. Also, don’t forget to leave iTunes feedback if you enjoy the show.

Join us next week when we’ll discuss Veronica Mars S1E11 ‘Silence of the Lamb’

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Project Fandom offers up the latest in TV, movies, books, comics, anime, manga, and more for the geek in all of us.

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