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Gotham - S2E10 - The Son of Gotham

Previously on Gotham, ‘A Bitter Pill to Swallow’

A gunman attempts to rob a woman running in the rain, but Galavan’s monk friends snatch him up as a sacrifice to wash away the sins of Gotham. Meanwhile, the GCPD lay their fallen officer, Officer Parks, to rest. After the services, Gordon pays Galavan a visit in jail just to tell him he will be at his hearing the next day.

Bruce and Selina scheme to get Silver and Galavan to trust him enough to tell him who killed his parents. He says he will pay for Galavan’s defense if he gives him the name, but someone else is in play. Tom “The Knife” (Tommy Flanagan) shows up with Silver duck taped and tied up in the back of his van. He tells Bruce to get in. The Knife is interested in the one who has been looking into the Wayne killings. When Silver insists her uncle hasn’t told her anything, The Knife threatens Bruce and she finally lets the name M. Morrow. Satisfied, Bruce reveals he set the whole thing in motion to get the name. Later, Bruce tells Selina what he told Silver to get her to trust him: He is tied to her in a way that he has never been to another. She bought it, but he was not talking about her, but about Selina.

Images: FOX

Gordon and Bullock follow up a lead to a massage parlor that Galavan tried to buy. But the monks got there before them and started killing patrons. Gordon stabs one of them, but he simply pulls the knife from his side and walks away. Stunned, Gordon follows him and the monk tells him that “Gotham will be cleansed by the blood of the nine,” and then he walks in front of a moving truck. Gordon and Bullock then follow another lead into the sewers to an altar where a man is being scarified.

Nygma is getting annoyed with his new roommate as Thompkins questions him. He cries and it works: she leavers him alone. Alfred goes looking for Bruce in Galavan’s old place and finds Tabitha at home. They fight and she draws some serious blood. He ends up in the back of a trash truck with a knife in his back.

During Galavan’s trial, the old mayor, Mayor James, claims  he lied and that he was kidnapped by Penguin, not Galavan. Gordon punches Galavan and is escorted out of the courtroom. The officers who escort Gordon out shock him and drag him away.

Penguin attempts to get rid of Ms. Kringle’s glasses, which he kept. But before he can, he is greeted at the door by one of his men, who tells him Galavan is free.

After Gordon’s kidnapping, Galavan tells him that this is not about revenge and after some diatribe about saving the city, Galavan kicks Gordon’s butt. Galavan’s men are left to finish Gordon, but Penguin shows up, saves Gordon, and wants to know where Galavan is.

Oh, Galavan is just at Wayne Manor, telling Bruce that he wants to take his life.

Best Scene

Nothing really stood out in this episode. Bruce fooling Silver into believing he was going to die unless she told what she knew.  

Most Ridiculous Scene(s)

Penguin calling Nygma several times acting like the Gotham version of The Odd Couple. It did not work.

Beating a Dead Horse

Gordon and Thompkins conversation about Gordon’s morality. It seems like every episode she is pointing out something that she wants Gordon to heed. If I did not know any better, I would think he is going to be the villain of this story. It was one of the better conversations, but it is still a conversation that has been had many times before.

Honorable Mention: Alfred getting shot as he fights more women. At least this time she wasn’t a juvenile. Alfred and Gotham writers, STOP!  

Gotham S2E10
  • 5/10
    Plot - 5/10
  • 5/10
    Dialogue - 5/10
  • 5/10
    Performances - 5/10


This was a weird episode and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’m not even sure anything really happened outside of Galavan getting out of Jail after Mayor James lied on the stand.

User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Michael James (88 Articles)
An Air Force brat and former bluesuiter, Michael was raised all over the country, but calls the southwest his home… although you would not know it since he currently resides in the nation’s capital! (For now…?) He is also a reformed government black suit and tie guy who now gives back to the world one child at a time as a child therapist. He was brought up on Star Trek NG, Buck Rogers and old BSG TV shows and he loves most things Geek (TV: GoT, BSG, Fringe, Walking Dead; Comics: Image, DC, Marvel; Movies: Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, Serenity, The Avengers, Man of Steel (I know!), Pacific Rim, and Edge of Tomorrow. His perfect time would be traipsing around the world with his family and his two dogs, discovering and experiencing all kinds of ridiculous adventures. Too bad he doesn’t have William Bell money!

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