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Jane the Virgin - S3E8/S3E9 - Chapters Fifty-Two and Fifty-Three

Previously on Jane the Virgin, “Chapter Fifty-One”

Images: The CW

I watched these two episodes together and I’m so glad I did. Almost every storyline improved.  Here are my reviews written after Chapter Fifty-Two followed by my Chapter Fifty-Three updates.

Jane the Meddler…

Jane doesn’t like Bruce (can we blame her?). She gets a mirror of her own derision in Bruce’s judgier-than-thou daughter. If Xo the Ho can change her ways, so can Bruce. Or so they tell us. He still seems like a plot contrivance to me.

Jane married the right guy who appreciates her meddling. At least when it comes to saving her husband from public humiliation via terrible comedic imitations. Too bad he quit his day job. Too bad Jane’s meddling is getting old.

  1. Jane the Stress Case

Jane and Michael stress over their careers, their finances and their son. I can relate to Stress Jane. She tries to talk herself out of stress. She tries to shut her brain off. She tries to keep it in. She tries yoga and meditation and essential oils. However, like most of us, it boils over anyway. The writing and humor feel authentic. Maybe Mateo’s opportune speaking seemed a little pat, but the overall resolution felt good. If only all our blow ups could end with a night under the stars.

Also, Bruce was kept a tolerable minimum. I can deal with Foot Massage Bruce.

Cat the Cheater

Rafael says he wants Jane to meddle, but proceeds do his own thing. That thing being Cat. Who may or may not be a Cat burglar but who is definitely not divorcing her aging, entitled (but penniless?) husband. Who knows where this storyline is going but it is nearing Bruce levels of shoe-horning.

  1. Cat the No Longer

After a quick redemption, Cat seems to have exited stage right.

Petra the Destroyer

Maybe we can’t blame Raf for his poor judgement on bedfellows. He’s got problems and one of his 99 is Petra. She’s feeling a little vindictive about the Rafael and Scott’s okie-doke and a vindictive Petra is a formidable Petra. Now she knows his inheritance secret. We can only hope they don’t go obvious with blackmail and/or spite. Let’s hope Petra faces her PTSD after offing her sister and gets back to the Season 2 Petra.

  1. Petra the Destroyed

I’m so glad this show didn’t use Petra’s PTSD as a motivation for her to turn evil. Yael Grobglas destroying the will and breaking down over her children was surprisingly and touching. This show is taking her trauma and actually addressing it in a realistic and compassionate way. That’s a lot given the nature of the crazy unrealistic she was traumatized in the first place. Therapy as an option isn’t brought up enough in television and I’m pleased to see it on this show for a character who needs to deal with her post-partum depression in addition to her PTSD.

I still can’t stand Aneska. But Scott, I like.

Rogelio the Baby Daddy

Rogelio wins for the most enjoyable storyline in a forgettable episode. The humor written for Rogelio borders a little too often on the absurd for me, but I like his earnestness with Darci. Her No Nonsense is a good foil for his Ridiculous. The actors have great chemistry and I hope they allow their romance to play out.

  1. Rogelio the Lover

I liked the continuation of this plot. It makes sense that Rogelio and Xo’s history might intimidate Darci and given who Darci is, it makes sense she would try to logic her way out of dating him. Thankfully, they didn’t allow his Ex Baggage to get in the way of yet another romantic potential. It’s nicely stowed away for take off. Let’s hope for a smooth flight.

Visual Giggles

  • Jane gagging on Bruce’s muffin (not a euphemism…thank goodness)
  • Cast’s reactions to Rogelio’s reaction to Darci
  • Rogelio with a lobster bib
  • Michael’s Mickey Roarke face
Jane the Virgin S3E8/E9
  • 7.5/10
    Plot - 7.5/10
  • 7.5/10
    Action - 7.5/10
  • 7/10
    Dialogue - 7/10
  • 7.5/10
    Performances - 7.5/10


I rated these two as a package deal. This was not the greatest return after a hiatus, but together they made me interested to watch more. I hope the rest of this season continues to improve. Oh, I did appreciate the Trump humor thrown in.

User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Mallika Chakravarti (99 Articles)
Mallika is a digital marketer, yoga teacher and nutritionist. She spends her fun time writing, podcasting, consuming vast amounts of media and wishing she could fly. Mallika can currently be found thinking of something else.
Contact: Twitter

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