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Podcast Fandom Episode 21: Scandal S3E5 ‘More Cattle, Less Bull’

Credit: Awesomely Luvvie

In this week’s Scandal podcast Nina, Meghan, and Kituria break down S3E5 ‘More Cattle, Less Bull.’ They’re pretty much over Quinn’s whiny ass and they hand out major props to Mellie, the only one on the show getting shit done anymore. And Harrison is over EVERYBODY’S shit. He just tryna keep the lights on!

Oh, Meghan and Kituria make fun of Nina for her Dynasty reference. Whatever. She’s old and she owns that shit.

One of our readers coins the name “Melovitz” to describe the Olivia, Fitz, and Mellie quasi polygamous relationship.

Mr. Sally Langston circa his Dynasty days

Finally, lots of points were awarded in this week’s Scandal Ultimate Gladiator leaderboards. Go see how you did! Predictions for episode 6 will be available tomorrow, 11/4. Remember: The person with the most points at the end of the season will win a season of Scandal (of their choice) on DVD or BluRay.  (Project Fandom staff aren’t eligible to win even though we’re playing along.)

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