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Podcast Fandom Episode 60: Scandal S3E12 ‘We Do Not Touch the First Ladies’

Even though some of us were slightly underwhelmed by the mid-season premiere, we mostly agreed that this episode was better. A few of the highlights from this podcast:

  • Why did Olivia feel it necessary to have Jake outside the door of the hotel room she was in with Fitz?
  • Quinn pulling a gun on Olivia has to mean she’s being fitted for a toe tag soon, right?
  • Speaking of toe tags, James can’t be long for this world either.
  • Seeing the damage done to the Grants’ marriage once Mellie pulled away from Fitz was both heartbreaking and necessary. It doesn’t excuse his behavior, but we can see where the marriage started to crumble.
  • Mellie continues to delight.
  • #TeamJake

Don’t forget to get your predictions in for next week’s episode of Scandal in our Scandal’s Ultimate Gladiator contest. Points for this episode have already been awarded. And because ABC has promised that next week’s episode is going to blow our minds in the last 30 seconds, we have added new characters to choose from: Adnan, Charlie, and Andrew, plus new scenarios. Also, we’ll double the points for correct predictions from 25 to 50. It’s an excellent opportunity to catch up and take the lead. Remember: Project Fandom staff may be participating, but we’re not eligible to win.

Have a listen to this week’s Scandal podcast below and don’t forget to leave an iTunes or Stitcher review. After the jump, check out the trailer for the show we’ll be adding to our podcast lineup next week, Resurrection.

About Project Fandom (1122 Articles)
Project Fandom offers up the latest in TV, movies, books, comics, anime, manga, and more for the geek in all of us.

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