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Trailer Review: Rainbow Six Siege

This Fall, Ubisoft delivers the next, long-awaited installment in the successful Rainbow Six franchise. Continuing the story of an elite team of specialists, comprised of counterterrorism units from around the world, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege looks, in a word: breathtaking. The graphics, the play, the movement of the camera from the shooter’s POV to introduce the next team member; it’s like a high-octane action movie. The gameplay looks different from what Rainbow Six players are used to; the ability to create barriers against the terrorists and to shoot through walls have me anxious to play this right now!

Though the basic plot line is essentially the same: find terrorists, dispatch them, rinse, and repeat; Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege looks like it will far surpass the other games in the franchise. Cool looking characters, an impressive array of weaponry, and a shit ton of people to kill. Fighting terrorism never looked so good!

Rainbow Six Siege will be released on 10-13-15, on PC, PS4, and XBOX One.

About Teanna W (61 Articles)
Teanna is a self-proclaimed library goddess, who loves to talk about cataloging techniques as much as she loves to talk about her geek obsessions. She spends her leisure time painting her nails, watching too much TV, playing too many video games, and shaking it too much on the dance floor…sometimes all at the same time!
Contact: Facebook

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