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Review: Cap Stone #1

The first issue of Cap Stone is an interesting read. Interesting in that the entirety of the issue follows Charlie Chance. She reminisces about her childhood, how she thrilled when playing chess and helped her father pull off some pretty stellar jewel heists. Now an adult, she writes vampire novels under a fake name and hunts game with her bare hands and teeth. In the nude. I’m not lying.

Reading the first issue, I was thrown for a loop. Especially when it sets up something different from the title. I enjoyed it, though, once I found my pace. It’s nothing short of raw with the artwork, feeling more like a memory or a dream. This isn’t a story of sunshine and lollipops, and the art reflects that.

The story is lacking, which is expected in this first issue. You’re still getting to know what Charlie is about, and before you finish reading, it sinks a hook into you. No spoilers, but if you want to know what’s happened to Captain Stone, you’ll need to stay tuned.

Score | 6/10Captain Stone, by the way, does not go the entire issue without any kind of mention. There’s an interview he does with Playbunny, a porn mag talking about how he came to be. He’s funny, charming, and loves the attention. It’s cheesy and one of the things I like about this comic. It has that gritty feel that I enjoyed getting from works like The Watchmen.

I recommend putting this on your queue. Like most of the comics I’ve reviewed lately, it’s a nice change of the pace from happenings and rumblings of the Marvel and DC universes.

About Matthew Freitas (52 Articles)
Matthew Freitas is the resident Green Lantern and Hired Sword patrolling the Project Fandom sector of the internet. He brings reviews of some of the latest games and movies. When he has down time, he can be found doing almost any geek-related activity.

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