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Review: Wer

There was a time when a man accused of ripping an entire family to shreds with his bare hands would have been met with pitchforks and a noose. There would be no thought as to whether such an act is physically possible. There would be no consideration for the accused person’s psychological state. The idea of government corruption would never cross the minds of the collective population. A monster was simply treated as a monster.

These days, we consider ourselves a more civilized people. Even an accused monster deserves a defense team and extensive media coverage. Truth holds value, and even a person accused of a heinous crime deserves to be treated with dignity. Murderers are people, too.

But what if a murderer wasn’t a person? What if the accused really was a monster?

Wer was written and directed by William Brent Bell and Matthew Peterman. Like their movie The Devil Inside, Wer weaves drama and mystery with classic horror to keep the audience guessing. The suspenseful build of the crime story teases out the true definition of monster.

I highly suggest seeing Wer without watching the trailer. It has far too many spoilers. Instead, watch with no expectations. Did Talan murder the Porter family? Were they attacked by an animal? Or could Talan actually be the animal that tore them to shreds?

Wer is currently available on Amazon streaming.

Score | 8/10

About Teri Bildstein (45 Articles)
Teri Bildstein firmly believes sleep is for the weak. She avoids this nasty pitfall by juggling her time between family, duties as Owner/Designer of Tide Together Jewelry and Gifts, ProFan contributor, and sharing her inexhaustible opinions with the people of the Internet. She is certain her marriage to Norman Reedus will be a lovely affair....provided she has a chance to meet him.

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