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SDCC ’17: Lucifer is Going Places

CR: Scott Kirkland/FOX © 2017 FOX BROADCASTING

Lucifer, the character and the show, has always straddled a lot of worlds. It’s a procedural, a comic book show, a family drama, and a cheeky buddy cop show. As the cast teased at San Diego Comic Con this year, season three will be more of the same as all of our characters struggle with their identities. Here’s more of what we learned from the cast of Lucifer.

The Mother is Back! … Or Is She?

At the end of season three, The Mother (Tricia Helfer) was kicked into another realm by Lucifer. While the Goddess of Creation (still no definitive answer on who The Mother is) is creating and brooding, Charlotte, the human body she inhabited, is coming to terms with all the time she’s lost. According to Tricia Helfer, Charlotte “is not going to know a lot about what happened while The Mother inhabited her body”. And as the show hinted last season, Charlotte may not have been the best person before her body was taken over and she’ll have to grapple with that as well as these people who think they know her. Whether or not we’ll get to see what The Mother is brewing up in the interim is still in the air.

Lucifer Will Have Another Suitor to Compete With

Chloe (Lauren German) and Lucifer have constantly had their will-they-won’t-they relationship put to the test, but now the arrival of the new captain, Marcus Pierce, played by Tom Welling (Smallville), means another obstacle to a possible romantic entanglement between these two leads. We asked Tom Ellis how he feels having another Tom on the block.

“Lucifer hasn’t had to deal with jealousy or envy or feeling like someone is his equal,” but since Chloe thinks pretty highly of the new captain, Lucifer is going to have some new waters to navigate. Also, we can’t count Dan out. As the father of Chloe’s child, he’s always going to be a part of her life and now he and Lucifer have something to commiserate about.

Tom Ellis wearing a “Hot Tub High School” parody t-shirt

Dan is Still Finding Himself

Last season, we saw Dan taking improv classes to discover more about himself. He’s still working through his feelings about his past transgressions, Chloe, and even his relationship with Charlotte. Now that Charlotte isn’t inhabited by The Mother their relationship is essentially starting from scratch. But Kevin Alejandro assures us we’ll see more of Dan finding himself including more improv in episode 2.

More Ella

Ella, played by Aimee Garcia, was mostly used as comedic relief last season, but hints of a deeper character were dropped throughout. She’s extremely religious but also knows how to hot-wire a car. This season, Ella and Lucifer will be going on a road trip and he’ll start to learn a little more about her dark side. According to Garcia, “we’ll see more of her brothers and learn more of her secrets”. Ella has a hard time keeping her thoughts to herself and some of those secrets will start to slip in Vegas.

Who is Lucifer?

When Lucifer lost his wings, he fought like hell to get them back but now they’re reattached to his body. Just like the audience, Lucifer is questioning what this means. Is he an angel? Is that what he wants to be or what others want him to be? And we all know if someone tries to tell Lucifer what he should do, he’s going to do the opposite.

The trailer for the upcoming season is mainly funny and shows the characters letting their hair down but Lucifer is known to balance that humor with deep, emotional character growth and I’m sure season 3 will be no exception.

Lucifer returns Monday, October 2nd on FOX.

About Shanna B (211 Articles)
Shanna is a long-standing geek who was a shipper before shipping was a thing. She is a contributor and podcaster for Movie Trailer Reviews. Based in the Bay Area, she frequents comic book shops, donut shops, and parks in no particular order.
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  1. Lucifer – S3E1 – They’re Back, Aren’t They? | Project Fandom

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