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Sherlock Season 3 Finale Title Revealed

As we had previously reported, BBC One has been hiding clues to the title of the season/series 3 finale of their hit series Sherlock within repeat airings of the show’s second series/season. The final repeat aired today (Friday, July 19th); following the airing, BBC One tweeted a confirmation of the finale’s title:


Yep, the episode’s title will be “His Last Vow”. It’s written by Steven Moffat and will be directed by Nick Hurran. You may recall that the speculation had been that it would be “His Last Bow”, based on the title of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle story of the same name, but it was pretty easy to guess the series would not directly take the title of a Doyle story because it has not done so previously. The slight variations and liberties the series takes with the titles corresponds with the slight variations and liberties it takes with the stories themselves. To that end, as we previously opined, even though its source material (His Last Bow) sees Sherlock and Watson retire, this finale will most likely not see that.

Now, we just need them to hurry up and get the third series/season on our television screens, so we can stop speculating about what they will or won’t do and see what they actually do. As much fun as it was to see Benedict Cumberbatch tell us how Sherlock survived the series/season 2 finale, we are dying to see the show explain not only how he really did it but also what he does afterward.

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