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Teen Wolf - S5E6 - Required Reading

Previously on Teen Wolf, ‘A Novel Approach’

All the things you missed this week on Teen Wolf:

  • 8 new grave holes were discovered on the football field at BHHS.

  • Sheriff Stilinski and Maila decide that Donovan is also a Chimera
  • All the teenagers chosen by the Dread Doctors must have something in common in order to be chosen for this experiment.
  • Parish begins to teach Lydia how to fight; she’s pretty good, but her muscle memory needs work.
  • The pack – including Leo - gets together and reads the Dread Doctor book
  • Kira falls asleep and when Theo checks on her, he hears her speaking Japanese and records it on his phone. What she keeps repeating translates to “I am the messenger of death.”
  • Liam returns to Sinema to give Hayden more money to make up for giving her an accidental black eye in her 6th grade yearbook photo.
  • Sydney, a girl in AP Biology, raises a red flag for Lydia and Theo; they suspect she’s a Chimera. She also drops AP Biology. She tells Lydia it’s been happening for 3 years, and she pulls her hair out because of stress.

  • Lydia asks to see the spot, and then she faints and it triggers a memory of her grandmother in Eichen house. She drilled a hole in her head right above her ear.
  • Mason began researching Kitsunes. According to Japanese folklore, fox spirits have difficulty with language. This is why they say “Moshi Moshi” when they answer the phone. Saying it twice is a language trick and confuses Kitsunes. It also proves that you are not a fox by saying it twice. The reason she’s having trouble reading the book is because the whole book is a giant language trick.
  • Scott also drops AP Biology, but forgets to sign his name on the paper. He has an asthma attack, which he hasn’t had since he was bitten. It triggers a memory of him having an asthma attack after being bitten by a dog as a child.
  • Lacrosse and soccer practice are happening on the same field. Liam and Hayden get into a silent, but completive goal-scoring contest full of sexual frustration. It’s interrupted by a kid asking if anyone has an inhaler. Liam runs to Scott’s aid and saves him. Hayden seems impressed by his act of heroism.
  • Lydia thinks her memory of her grandmother isn’t hers, it’s someone else’s and it’s affecting her differently because she’s a Banshee

  • Malia talks to Theo while he lifts weights about why he didn’t tell the pack about the desert wolf part of her memory. There’s noticeable sexual tension, but Malia shuts it down.
  • Hayden’s sister brings her medicine to her at school. She reminds her that’s $200 a bottle. It’s for her kidney transplant she got a while back and she has a job to help her sister pay for the medicine.
  • Stiles and Lydia go to the room where she had her surgery to see if her banshee skills can help her with any clues. The stat monitor grabs her attention. She hears the name “Hayden” repeated over and over. She also sees the Dread Doctors operating on another student, almost electrocuting him.

  • While Stiles is going through the hospital a memory of his mother hits him. She goes up to the roof like she’s going to jump. He sees his dad come to talk her down. They argue about the way someone is after her and the horrible way they look at her. She points to Stiles’ younger self. He was what was driving her insane. She tries to attack him.
  • The kid who was electrocuted is also on the roof, gnawing on electrical wires and Stiles suddenly wakes up from the memory to realize it’s the guy who was chomping down on wires, who is now attacking him. Theo randomly appears to save him. He asks Stiles not to tell anyone. When he asks why, Theo tells him “because I didn’t tell anyone about Donovan.”
  • Scott and Malia go to the hospital to find Stiles and Lydia. Scott turns a corner and a Dread Doctor grabs him and shocks him. It sends him into an asthma attack. Malia tries to fight the Dread Doctor, but can’t. They run into an elevator and Scott’s mom is there to shut the door and give him an epi pen shot to open up his airways.

About Shannon Buchanan (22 Articles)
Shannon is a single mom and aspiring mommy blogger of her blog . She has a wide array of fandoms ranging from Doctor Who and Star Trek, Supernatural and Teen Wolf, One Tree Hill and Degrassi to The Walking Dead and Sons of Anarchy and so many more in between. She spends her time at home with her 3 year old, who she home tot schools and binge watching unhealthy amounts of Netflix and backed up DVR. She’s also very crafty and spends entirely too much time on pinterest looking for more ideas.

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