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The Flash - S3E9 - The Present

Previously on The Flash, “Invasion!”

The Flash - S3E9 - “The Present” | Starring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Jesse L. Martin, Tom Cavanagh, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker, Keinynan Lonsdale, Tom Felton,

Once upon a time, Julian was Indiana Jones. His search for an artifact called The Philosopher’s Stone (I’m not kidding.) led to the death of his archaeological team and caused him to be possessed by Savitar. Under Savitar’s control, Julian is Alchemy and charged with preparing an Earth for Savitar’s arrival. Thanks to help from Jay Garrick, Barry captures Alchemy as he’s preparing to summon forth all of Flashpoint’s metas and learns he’s Julian. Unaware that he’s being possessed, Julian at first doesn’t admit to the blackouts or how he came into possession of the stone, but once Barry reveals he’s The Flash, Julian trusts Barry enough to help him.

Images: The CW

Speaking through Julian, Savitar reveals he has a bone to pick with future Barry (who doesn’t?) and that he knows the team’s destiny: one will betray Barry, one will fall, and one will suffer a fate worse than death. Well, that sucks.

Lacking better options, Jay and Barry work together to toss the stone, and the box it came in, into the Speed Force. Barry takes a detour to the future, and witnesses Savitar kill Iris. Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Jay tries to convince Barry that it’s a possible future, but not one set in stone. It better not be!

Before the crossover, there were predictions that Cisco may turn into his evil Earth-2 doppelganger due to his rift with Barry. But during the Invasion! finale on Legends of Tomorrow, it appeared he’d put his anger with Barry behind him. Still, while the stone was in the lab, Savitar was able to convince Cisco to open the box, freeing him, by appearing as Dante. Thanks to some help from Wally, and Caitlin pleading with Cisco, they’re able to send Savitar back inside the box, but it does beg the question: Why was Cisco so susceptible?

Wally’s training with HR is now out in the open after he’s not allowed to help Jay and Barry take on Alchemy the first time. Of course, it doesn’t go over well, but HR eventually convinces Joe it’s a good thing. He sees all the untapped potential in Wally, and it’s better that he train with someone safe, someone he knows, instead of doing something reckless. Joe comes around and looks as giddy as HR drunk off Grandma Esther’s egg nog when they present Wally with his very own speed suit.

Quick Quips

“Caroling on the rain. That sucks.” - HR

“It’s the police!” - Drunk HR when someone knocks on the West family door during their Christmas party.

“I got you a wallet,” Iris said sadly after Barry presents her with their new apartment.

Quick Hits

  • Wally and HR’s “I’m faster than Barry” dance is everything.
  • Caitlin being the one to get through to Cisco after he’d opened the box is exactly why I thought he should have been the one to confront Killer Frost in the pipeline. Their platonic relationship is strong, and much deeper than Caitlin’s with Barry.
  • I’m so glad Joe has a storyline that doesn’t revolve around his children.
  • Love that Barry and Iris will be living together.
  • Great seeing Mark Hamill as Earth-3’s Trickster.

Speed Bumps

  • I still don’t care about Savitar. We learn he’s the first meta to be granted speed - via the stone - and that something Barry did in the future has started this grudge. That sounds like a mix of Zoom and Reverse-Flash, and that makes it feel stale. When he tells Barry that he took everything from him and trapped him, I thought there’s a possibility this could be Eddie Thawne since his body disappeared into that breach-like hole in the season one finale, but he mentions specifically that he’s mad at something Barry did in the future. Oh, well. That would have been one way to get me to care about Savitar.
  • Iris better not die. #FuckJudyGreer

Leave your thoughts on the episode below, or on our Facebook post for this review, and we’ll read them on tonight’s podcast.

The Flash S3E9 = 8.2/10
  • 8/10
    Plot - 8/10
  • 8.5/10
    Dialogue - 8.5/10
  • 8/10
    Performances - 8/10
User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

4 Comments on The Flash - S3E9 - The Present

  1. For the Podcast:

    1) Nog off is the best
    2) HR and Wally dancing is everything.
    3) Ain’t nobody here for Iris being killed.
    4) Barry outdid himself on the gift
    5) The quote “One will suffer a fate worse than death.”-is that a foreshadowing to us losing Wally in the speed force? People keep saying him being broken out of his cocoon too soon was bad news.
    6) I enjoyed the episode. Can’t wait for your thoughts
    7) P.S. Jay giving Barry that pep talk was what we ALL needed to hear after seeing that future with Iris and Savitar. VIVA La pep talks.

  2. For the podcast

    Loved the episode! All that WestAllen goodness!

    HR has officially grown on me and he & Wally are adorable together.

    Why must Barry tell everyone and they mama he’s the Flash? Next thing you know he’ll tell Cecile and her daughter!

    Jocile is adorable. Wally is so freakin happy about everything. He got his ass whooped by Savitar and he was still happy.

    Jay got his old ass whooped but he had some good advice for Barry. And Mark Hamil was totally jokering up his Trickster. Lol.

    So are they hooking up Caitlin & Julian? Where’s his alleged girlfriend?

    So who do you think the betrayer will be? Julian, Caitlin or Cisco? Someone else? Cisco didn’t even like his brother but he was willing to betray everyone to get him back.

    Who do you think will die? It 👏🏾betta 👏🏾 not👏🏾be👏🏾Iris! #ifIrisdiesweriot

    Obviously Barry will be in a fate worst than death since he’ll suffer no matter what happens.

    That’s it. Now we gotta wait for it to come back on in January and hope if Barry didn’t put a bed in that fantastic new apartment that he at least has some blankets so he and Iris can at least be comfortable while christening their new place.

    That’s it. Hope it’s not too long. Can’t wait to hear the podcast!

  3. For The Podcast:
    - I got a good kick out of seeing Deadbeat-Dad-Flash get dragged through town by Megatron.
    - I am living for HR and Wallace dancing and training together. Wallace is way too happy to get thrown around the room, just as long as he’s helping BA. HR is my personal “one true Wells” now tho, so it’s a shame that “fate worse than death” probably means he’s leaving the show at the end of the season. T_T
    - BA grabbed a handful of that ass! Eat 👏 the 👏 booty 👏 like 👏 groceries 👏 Barry! Iris better not be dying tho, I don’t need Snowbarrys getting a win like that.
    - Told you Cisco would betray! Can’t wait for Round 2, Petty Vibe Boogaloo.
    - When Caitlin took her cuff off at the end just to make it snow I was praying to the speed gods that her Killer Frost would flare up and she’s just start destroying everything. I am not here for AlcheFrost tho, or whatever the youths are calling it.
    - Really? We got Draco Malfoy and now a Philosopher’s Stone? When we gonna get the “You’re a speedster, Wally!” from someone? ((Will Snape-sco kill Dumble-Barry?))
    - I lied. The Fate Worse Than Death line is obviously foreshadowing that someone is leaving the show to be stuck on Arrow forevermore. Yep, my Petty is creeping back in. Fuck You Oliver, and your “We don’t trust the strongest person in the room” crap you gave Kara last week. Meanwhile, Diggle can try and fail to shoot one Alien and he’s okay being there!?!?!?!?! Fuck Arrow.

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