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The Flash – S4E10 – The Trial of The Flash

Previously on The Flash, “Don’t Run”

During The Flash’s hiatus we skipped right by the arrest, investigation, bail hearing, and any time leading up to his trial. Cecile has taken a leave of absence from prosecuting to defend Barry, but it isn’t enough. The state has a solid case filled with the evidence Barry unwittingly helped the DeVoes manufacture, evidence that points to his guilt. Even photos of Marlize DeVoe kissing Dominic Lanse (with Clifford DeVoe’s consciousness) aren’t enough to taint Marlize’s credibility. After Barry refuses to divulge his identity as The Flash, his fate is pretty much sealed. He’s found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.

Images: The CW

Up To Speed

This return was pretty lackluster. In fact, only one thing seems worth discussing because 1. we know good and damn well Barry won’t remain in prison but for so long and 2. I’m way past caring about DeVoe’s end game now that it seems he’s yet another megalomaniacal villain.

Iris is pregnant.

After an encounter with Marlize in which the “grieving widow” basically gloated and taunted Iris with what she’s willing to do to save her husband, Iris goes against Barry’s wishes and attempts to tell the court he’s The Flash. He stops her by moving so fast the rest of the courtroom is basically frozen. Only he and Iris are moving and speaking in the center of the streaks of lightning. When she asks how he’s able to do that with her, he doesn’t know. I suspect it’s because she’s baking them speed force babies.

Speed Bumps

You guys, I want to care about this more than I do. I’m just not interested in tuning in each week to see how Barry gets out of this one, especially without having even an inkling of DeVoe’s plans. Add to that, next week seems to be all about helping Ralph rise to the challenge while The Flash is in jail and… why? We got Vibe and Killer Frost, and we should have Kid Flash.

The meta-human of the week felt like the filler he was, and the only good part with that came when Caitlin had to be goaded into becoming Killer Frost to help contain him.

What did you think of this week’s episode? Leave your thoughts below or on our Facebook post for this review, and we’ll read them on the podcast tonight.

The Flash S4E10 Review Score
  • 7/10
    Plot – 7/10
  • 7.5/10
    Dialogue – 7.5/10
  • 8.5/10
    Performances – 8.5/10

"The Trial of The Flash"

The Flash – S4E10 – “The Trial of the Flash” | Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Jesse L. Martin, Tom Cavanagh, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker, Keinynan Lonsdale, Hartley Sawyer

User Review
5 (1 vote)
About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, “The Twin Prophecies,” and a collection of essays titled, “Blog It Out, B*tch.” Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she’s totally fine with that.

10 Comments on The Flash – S4E10 – The Trial of The Flash

  1. For the Podcast
    Other than some ridiculous plot devices, I enjoyed this episode.

    1. Love the quick WestAllen courtroom convo. Not sure how it’s possible but it was a beautiful scene. And after reading your review Nina, Iris is so pregnant!

    2. Did Dominic change his voice to Devoe’s when he was talking to his wife? Cause she was not appreciating the young buff man in front of her.

    3. Is Barry gonna get enough to eat in jail? Doesn’t he have to consume a large amount of calories daily?

    4. Will Singh ever put it together that every time Barry is away, so is the Flash? It’s really getting ridiculous at this point.

    That’s it. Glad the show is back. Can’t wait to hear the podcast!

    And Black Lightning is EVERYTHING!!

  2. I’ll have to be real short because this work week is messing with my ability to spit hot fire.

    1. This episode was meh and they really up and gave Barry a Black man life sentence. His whiteness didn’t help none? I just knew he was getting probation.

    2. So Barry really is in the same cell as his papy? *insert any side eye gif*

    3. Finally, I can’t wait for this Black Lightning podcast. Some shit was over acted but may all white folks feel uncomfortable listening to it *cackles*

  3. Hello Nina, Donnie and John.

    I hope the new year is off to a great start for you guys. I wish you all the luck of the universe and the strength to make it through the back half of the flash with its uninspired and trash writers.
    As to my feedback. I knew the trash writers did not have it in them to do anything of interest with this storyline. There was a 10% chance they would surprise me and be decent. But…no!

    The only thing I liked was:
    The Westallen speed force moment they had in the courtroom. I’m intrigued. As of this episode, there are too many instances of Barry discovering a new ability that ties directly to Iris, like the first time he traveled back in time. I want to know if its intentional or not and what it all means. Plus, it was a beautifully shot, directed and well-acted scene that belongs in a better episode.
    I of course loved the Iris and Marlize scene. First of all, they were gorgeously lit and shot and I appreciated all the pretty. Second of all, they have amazing chemistry the writers could really do a lot with If they were less sexist and more clever with this storyline.

    Everything else was a disappointment and just boring. The writers of Black Lightning would never have written Cecile that dumb and incompetent in her job as a defense lawyer. They would have at least had the decency to have her say “No further questions” after asking Marlize the name of the hot guy she was French kissing that was clearly not her husband. Not have her stand there and let Marlize spin a story of “that’s the guy my husband lets me fuck in his place.” ?

    Thank you for your time. Your efforts are appreciated. ?

  4. For the Podcast
    Hey y’all! Well.. This episode was.. What it was..
    All I have to say is:
    1) Candice and Kim’s acting was on point
    2) Loved the Westallen portion
    3) Iris is totally pregnant
    4)I wanted to slap Marlese so bad!
    5)Still not here for stretch dick! I don’t care for him!!
    6)For real? Kaitlin turning into KF bc of… puppies? Fuck out here! ? and she got knocked out in 5 sec ???

    Anyways… Black Lightning was so good!
    Have a great week!

  5. For the podcast
    1 this episode was great and I’m glad Barry is in jail because him getting off for this murder would have been ridiculous.
    2 Ralph being the voice of reason was great I’m glad there development of his character is working.
    3 am I the only one thinking that Cisco launching that nuclear fall out on to that dead Earth is gonna come back to bite them down the road.
    4 if Wally gonna be chilling out in the world going to either legends of tomorrow or the Titans show I need Cisco to make Ralph a better suit soon this human condom look is annoying.

  6. For the podcast: Hi guys missed you! I enjoyed this episode??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️
    1. Kim Engelbrecht was acting her ass off as Marlise when she was on the stand talking about Dom being her side piece I almost believed her! ???
    2. Candice/Iris was EVERYTHING ???????? trying to get Barry to let people know he’s the flash, fighting with Marlise, that heartbreaking scene where Barry was holding her in the middle of the courtroom…??? Westallen stays plucking at my hopeless romantic heart strings?… (whispers) whats the over/under that Iris is pregnant???
    3. Joe really tried to plant evidence??? Nigga! Ralph had him rethinking his whole life lol. Joe do you really want to be a sad stretchy occasionally creepy dude? Lol anyways can’t wait for the poddie we byke!

  7. Hey guys, welcome back!!!
    I don’t know why I thought this would be a good episode… it literally did nothing but get the plot to move Barry into jail.
    What’s most frustrating that even though they got rid of the mystery of who the villain is like past seasons, they replaced it with the mystery of what the villain’s plan is. It’s getting to a point where I don’t care anymore. But hey, looking forward to y’all talking about it.

  8. FOR THE PODCAST: We BYKE! So I really liked this episode. My only quibble is the fact that I think the writer’s run through storylines too fast (pun fully intended). I think the Trial of the Flash warranted at least two episodes but I loved the Barry/Iris scene when he slowed time for her. That was just lovely. Two questions: 1. Does Iris move back in with Joe cause she ain’t got no job and you know that loft is expensive? 2. Is that shady cop working with DeVoe? I can’t remember if we got confirmation and I’m wondering if he’s part of DeVoe’s plan or if he has something else going on. Can’t wait to hear the podcast. It’s Flash time!

  9. I was really hoping this episode would be better, but it wasn’t the worst. These actors really do a great job with the mediocre to bad material that they get. I really want to know how long Barry will be in prison for though, because this is the Flash, and we know he won’t be there long. I don’t know how the city won’t find out he’s the Flash though… Barry leaves his trial.. Flash saves the day.. Barry goes to jail.. Flash stops saving the day. Barry should’ve just told everyone, and although it would have complicated the case, I still think he’d be found guilty. Oh, and Gumby is still fucking terrible. I wish he’d go away. That’s it, so happy the podcast is back!!

  10. For The Podcast

    Black Lightning is my Flash now. That’s it.

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