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Vikings #2

Previously in Vikings #1

Vikings #2 | Writer: Cavan Scott | Art: Staz Johnson | Colors: Rodrigo Fernandes | Art Cover: Staz Johnson

This issue jumps right in with Siggy, who dreams of the people of Kattegat in such a rage that they are ready to kill. Unable to stop them, she calls for help, but only death arrives in the form of Ragnar and the rest who have been slain. She wakes up to the words “A sacrifice must be made.” I like the exploration of Siggy’s visions. Are they messages from the gods or just intuition?

Back at Kattegat, the people of Kattegat are facing a failing harvest, an ineffective Queen Aslaug, and the idea that Ragnar has abandoned them all from Jaska’s perspective. She plays more of a prominent role this issue as she is a conduit for the frustrations of the people. But an exchange between her and Siggy leaves Jaska writhing on the floor repeating the very same words from Siggy’s own vision.

A sacrifice must be made.” 

The dialogue between the two of them was well done, as it paints a more concrete reality of what they are facing and that there are real consequences for everyone’s actions.

In England, King Ecbert seeks Ragnar’s assistance in slaying another northman by the name of Felman Losnedahl, described as “A giant of a man” who has been raiding Ecbert’s monasteries and takings his people as slaves. Lagertha, now Earl Instad, answers yes to the call to fight on Ragnar’s behalf, her desperation and determination apparent.

Floki remains the only dissenter in taking up arms against their own people for a Christian god. His counterpart Ethelwold, also dissatisfied with his fathers handling of the northmen, continues his plot to “Deliver King Ecbert from these pagans and their baleful influence, once and for all.” A clear distinction between the two is that Floki, for all his grumbling, still obeys Ragnar’s orders while Ethelwold is now actively working against Ecbert, but both allow their hate to be channeled through their respective religions.

Ragnar and his people depart to do battle with Felman Losnedahl, but get caught in a ferocious storm that Floki blames on Thor’s displeasure with them assisting the Christians. They are saved by Athelstan. They arrive onshore with Ragnar resolved in his decision to start a settlement in England. There’s a group of armored soldiers on the high ground waiting to attack.

As a bonus treat issue #2 includes an interview with Cavan Scott, the writer of this series. He talks about the inspiration for Vikings and the process of making it a reality. Issue #2 lays out the motivations of our characters and what is ultimately driving everyone: the desire to save their people. I enjoyed how we switched between Kattegat and England with the plot continuing to flow smoothly.


Vikings #2 = 8.3/10
  • 7.5/10
    Plot - 7.5/10
  • 9/10
    Dialogue - 9/10
  • 8.5/10
    Art - 8.5/10
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About Moji Fagbemi (98 Articles)
Moji is geek who is not afraid to let her geek flag fly. She's an avid reader of comics and every genre of fiction - yes, this includes romance novels. When her nose is not buried in books you can find her watching TV, hanging out with friends, checking out new restaurants, or whipping up new recipes as a self-proclaimed foodie.

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