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Civil War II #7

Previously in Civil War II #6

I’ve delayed writing about this issue and I recently realized it’s because nothing really happened in it. They announced they were expanding Civil War II, and I’d hoped that would be a good thing, but it wasn’t. The story is just spinning its wheels. Nothing of significance has happened since Hawkeye was acquitted of killing Bruce Banner.

This issue was just a repeat of what’s happened at least twice before: Ulysses has a vision, he’s unsure of what it means, Tony and Carol fight and will probably make things worse before they get better.

Ulysses’ latest vision of the future is a bit different than the ones before in that he seems to actually be in the time he’s seeing. He finds himself in a post-apocalyptic New Jersey, which looks like a wasteland. He’s almost attacked by a Hulk-like creature, but Wolverine kills it first. Wolverine won’t say much, but does reveal that the state of the world (which is truly terrible) is due to Carol pushing Tony Stark too far.

Meanwhile, Carol tries to finally bring Miles Morales in while he stands outside the Capital talking to Steve Rogers. Tony shows up, fight, rinse, repeat.

Hopefully the finale will deliver. This did not.

Civil War II #7 = 7.7/10
  • 6.5/10
    Plot - 6.5/10
  • 7.5/10
    Dialogue - 7.5/10
  • 9/10
    Art - 9/10
User Review
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About Nina Perez (1391 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

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