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Quantico - S2E9 - Cleopatra

Previously on Quantico, “ODENVY”

Images: ABC

Wrong Place at the Right Time

With #Quan2co  (What? ABC used this hashtag for the season premiere!) on at a new night, Alex brings everyone up to speed on the highlights of the first half of the season. Alex gets to debrief this information to none other than the sorely under utilized Hannah. I loved the antagonistic scenes she had with Alex last season. Even though they never explain what happened to her last season after she mishandled that situation with the vice president,  it’s nice to see her back with her sense of hatred and respect for Alex. When Alex dropped the bombshell that Ryan was a terrorist, Hannah told Shelby she didn’t feel Alex’s story added up. Shelby was able to find some evidence that the AIC is being hunted by another terrorist group. The other terrorist group is The Liberation Front, right? Once Shelby and Hannah leave the interrogation room, Miranda steps into the room with a silenced gun and apparently kidnaps Alex. Once they are on the road, Miranda tells Alex she’s going to tell her why she is a terrorist and she will be too once she hears why.

They Took Away The Mattress

Remember a few weeks back when Lydia read Owen and basically told her Dad he needed a new line of work? She wasn’t lying, because during the seduction lesson he allowed Harry and Alex to drug him. I don’t think Alex slept with him after she told Owen how she can get what she wants without “compromising herself”. Now my question is: Did she want one of those AIC phones? I feel like she would have told Ryan or even Harry about it even though she was on the outs with the FBI. Alex was left out of the murder accomplice trio, but maybe it’s similar to what Miranda said to Ryan since he didn’t pull the trigger. “Somebody is looking out for her!”

Who’s Sleeping With Whom

With seduction being the theme of the recruits training, who wasn’t sleeping with someone is probably easier to explain. Leon didn’t make his mark, but he ended his interrogation of Shelby with a kiss; he is still suspicious of her after watching Nimah leave Shelby’s place.

Central (lack of ) Intelligence Agency

Owen got a radioactive roofie by his students. Hopefully Harry can figure out in the next 8 days what Owen is up to.

Answers and More Questions

Just one thought: So, after Miranda tells Alex that she is a terrorist and Alex will be one too, they better not drop the ball with this one.

Did you know that this is the first episode of this season of Quan2co that doesn’t have a cryptonym as the title? We all know who Cleopatra was. This midseason premiere fell a little flat with a lack of action and a lot of recapping of the first half of the season. I really wish we had some Lydia in this episode.  She has had some of the strongest acting this season. I do like how “comfortable” Danaya is with being a part of the AIC. It’s interesting that Danaya’s seduction mark had AIC information and how she used the “weak” Leon to clean up her mess. Sebastian’s crying scene to Harry was cringeworthy and made Alex’s acting look like Viola Davis. His acting was horrendous in this scene. I wanted to get up and walk away like Harry did. Next week looks like the action is ramped up, but I’m crossing my fingers they move along what they setup in this episode: how Alex got her phone, Leon investigating Shelby, and Nimah and Miranda’s terrorist story.

What are you looking forward to next Monday night?

Quantico S2E9
  • 7/10
    Plot - 7/10
  • 5/10
    Action - 5/10
  • 6/10
    Dialogue - 6/10
  • 6/10
    Performances - 6/10


Starring: Priyanka Chorpa Jake McLuaghlin, Aunjanue Ellis, Johanna Braddy,Yasmine Al Massri

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5 (1 vote)
About Brian McClain (75 Articles)
Brian is a fan of movies and shows that make you go “oh snap’ and all things Marvel and most things DC - yes you can like both!. He constantly struggles with having a job to buy video games versus not being able to play video games because he has a job. Brian is your favorite author’s favorite author it's just neither of you know it… yet! Enjoy the ride!

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