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Marvel’s Jessica Jones – S1E9 – AKA Sin Bin

Previously on Jessica Jones, ‘AKA WWJD’

Images: Netflix

It’s hard to watch the plight of Kevin and not feel at least a little sorry for Kilgrave. The kid was tortured by his parents – the people who were supposed to make him feel safe and loved. It’s no wonder he’s a psychopath. Oh, and now there are other kids we have to worry about wandering around the world with evil superpowers. That said, it’s tough to blame Simpson and Trish for wanting Kilgrave dead. Jessica, however, is still focused on Hope. Hogarth makes it clear she does not – in any way – condone Jessica’s methods, but lets her know Hope’s been given a deal by the D.A., and she plans on recommending that Hope take it. 15-20 years isn’t much when compared to a lifetime in prison for murders you didn’t commit.

Jessica and Trish start working on how to get Kilgrave to use his abilities on camera. It takes half a day for Jessica to realize Kilgrave’s mother has been visiting the Kilgrave survivors support group and calls an impromptu meeting. “Betty” shows up and Jessica confronts her, and then follows her to the dingy hotel she and Kilgrave’s father have been staying in. While Jessica questions them about their lack of parenting skills, she realizes there really are two sides to every story and while the videos show a kid being tortured, perhaps it was really all in the name of saving his young life.

Jessica has the parents and she has police officer Clements; it’s time to head back to our hermetically sealed room for some evidence filming. Just before they get there, Hogarth does something pretty stupid for such a smart woman. She is about to unseal the room holding Kilgrave, but Jessica shows up and thwarts that misguided plan. Kilgrave’s parents enter the room with him and their touching reunion is short-lived once Kilgrave turns his powers on them.

Trish tries to shoot him and ends up using the last bullet in her gun to break the glass and set him loose. He staggers out as Jessica is fighting with his father, trying to stop him from stabbing himself with scissors, per his son’s orders.

Jessica breaks free and rushes after him and discovers she is immune to Kilgrave’s “talents”. #Score

Kilgrave Flashbacks

  • Jessica realizes all at once that the last 3-4 times Kilgrave has tried to make her do something, she has been able to walk away, or keep her will in some other way. Kilgrave can suck it!

Superpowers Displayed

  • Jessica beats the shit out of Kilgrave and almost kills him. Lucky for him, Trish smashes the red button of electricity and stops her from taking him out of the game.
  • Kilgrave uses his words and forces his mother to stab herself “for every day you abandoned me” …she dies before that’s possible.
  • Jessica points out to sweet ex-addict Malcolm that his superpower is helping people. Such a touching moment from Jessica in which we see she’s a real human with compassion in her heart.

Things you might need to remember

  • Simpson’s doctor is possibly some mad scientist who gives him pills that have protocol attached to them: one to pump him up, one to keep him going, and one to bring him down. Red, White, and Blue. Ah, patriotism!
About Samantha Kemp (15 Articles)
Sam’s nerdiness was a trait given to her from birth and as proof of this her father will happily preform the third best Hagrid voice and first best Petunia Dursley voice on the face of the earth! She enjoys frequent debates about Dumbledore’s mortality, the political happenings of Panam, and the many love interests of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Oh, and long walks on the beach. If you can’t find her she is most likely re-watching Charmed for the 30th time or playing Harry Potter Trivia on anyone brave enough to take her on. Further questions about her personality or for more information regarding her obsession with Chris Pine visit her blog, www.

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