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Lucifer - S1E11 - St. Lucifer

Previously on Lucifer, ‘Pops’

Images: FOX

The Devil’s Charity

Just going to get this out the way first: DAN IS STILL ALIVE Y’ALL! More on that in a minute.

After choosing not to sleep with Chloe in her hour of desperation, Lucifer is chasing the high he gets from doing the right thing. It’s a fleeting feeling and he can’t seem to figure out why. Fortunately, the case of the week involves a former basketball player who went from being a bad boy to a philanthropist. Lucifer feels like he can learn a lesson or two from Mr. Dunlear’s life.

Meanwhile Dan is still alive because Malcolm has a particular plan in mind. He wants to kill Lucifer and frame Dan for the murder because he’s pretty smart for a recently deceased man who’s been brought back from hell to be an assassin. And even though Dan hates Lucifer, he doesn’t want him to die so he manages to get free from Malcolm.

Predictably, Lucifer is running around town doing “selfless” acts including giving a homeless man the clothes off his back (Thank you to the writers for that one). Chloe is doing the real police work and discovers that someone has been embezzling money from one of the victim’s charities. At one point Chloe mentions getting Lucifer to do his hypnotizing thing, so I guess she’s decided that’s not a supernatural power and he’s some sort of hypnotist. C’mon, girl.

And here’s where our two plot lines merge; Lucifer is confronted by Malcolm, who makes a common bad guy mistake and tells our hero why he’s killing him. Once Lucifer realizes that Amenadiel can’t deliver on what he promised Malcolm, Lucifer offers him his Pentecostal coin, a get-of-hell free card and Malcolm leaves him alive. But a few minutes later Mrs. Dunlear shows up and puts a few hot ones in Lucifer because he’s figured out that she’s the killer. Much to Lucifer and our surprise, he survives.

Maze is still estranged from Lucifer so she decides to use her feminine wiles on Amenadiel to get into his inner circle. Fresh from nearly dying, Lucifer accepts her apology and now he has an inside woman. I’m excited to see them team up rather than be at odds, but that might be complicated by Chloe since Lucifer has figured out that he’s only vulnerable to dying when he’s around her. Oops!


The Devil is Laughing (Funniest Lines) 

“It’s too hot in this five star hellhole!”– Lucifer imitating a drunken Chloe.

“You snore by the way … like an Albanian field wench” – Lucifer to Chloe as she does the walk of shame out of his apartment.

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About Shanna B (74 Articles)
Shanna is a long-standing geek who was a shipper before shipping was a thing. She is a contributor and podcaster for Movie Trailer Reviews. Based in the Bay Area, she frequents comic book shops, donut shops, and parks in no particular order.
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