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Lucifer - S1E12 - #TeamLucifer

Previously on Lucifer, “St. Lucifer”

Images: FOX

Images: FOX

The Devil You Know

It’s been three weeks since Lucifer realized Chloe is his one vulnerability and he’s been avoiding her ever, but now that Chloe has a case involving Satanists, she comes over to his place and forces the issue. Lucifer reluctantly and hilariously follows her around at a safe distance trying not to run across any knives or guns in her presence. He won’t even ride in the same car with her.

The Satanists do strike a particular chord with Lucifer though. As he says, he’s about punishing evil not encouraging it and seeing the rituals and killing that people are doing in his name really pisses him off. Enough to keep working with Chloe, who thinks he’s being standoffish because he’s afraid of being emotionally vulnerable with her.


They are also working with Dan and Malcolm (or Detectives Douche and Stache as Lucifer calls them), who are back to being partners again. Basically they’re at a stalemate. Dan can’t tell about Malcolm kidnapping him without revealing why, and Malcolm technically isn’t a danger anymore now that he has his get-out-of-hell-free coin. But Malcolm did send that break up text to Chloe so she’s not talking to Dan at all.

Who in the Hell?

While everyone is trying to track down the Satanists, Maze continues to sleep with Amenadiel and the two of them are getting closer. Since Malcolm won’t go through with the plan to kill Lucifer, Amenadiel feels like a failure and it doesn’t help when Maze tries to kill him.


All of our storylines come together when the preacher Lucifer scared with his devil eyes episodes ago becomes a suspect in the murder of the Satanists. Dan thinks it’s Lucifer and Chloe thinks he’s being framed. The actual killer turns out to be Malcolm, whose sojourn to hell drove him a little insane. He thinks he and Lucifer can be BFFs and killing buddies. Unfortunately, before Lucifer can turn him in Amenadiel comes by spoiling for a fight. This was actually the best scene with D.B. Woodside and Tom Ellis working out their character’s pathos in a spectacular fashion.

Behind all the fisticuffs is some real emotion. Lucifer thinks Amenadiel is using the one person he likes as a weapon against him and Amenadiel feels the same about Maze. Looks like these angelic brothers both fell in love without realizing it.


The episode ends with a cliffhanger when Chloe comes to stop the preacher from attacking Lucifer and instead finds him dead on the floor of Luxe. For someone who’s been skeptical of Lucifer for months, it’ll be interesting to see if Chloe buys “it wasn’t me, it was the guy who came back from hell”.

Sidenote: We got another Trixie/Lucifer scene. I know we only have one episode left, but since this show has been renewed for season two, I’m putting my request in early. More Trixie.  

The Devil is Laughing (Funniest Lines) 

“You’re supposed to be blonde” – bouncer at the Satanist house to Lucifer.

This was one of the best episodes of the season. Tom Ellis does exceedingly well when all of Lucifer’s quips fall away and it becomes about his feelings. His real sadness about Chloe being used against him was palpable. Paralleled with Amenadiel’s feelings about Maze, it drove home how similar the two brothers are. Watching all three of our supernatural characters soften and accept their humanity has been a highlight of the season. Maze and Amenadiel have a common sense of duty and Lucifer and Chloe have a similar bond over the idea of justice. The writers have done a great job of showing us the essence of these characters and what makes them work together.

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About Shanna B (70 Articles)
Shanna is a long-standing geek who was a shipper before shipping was a thing. She is a contributor and podcaster for Movie Trailer Reviews. Based in the Bay Area, she frequents comic book shops, donut shops, and parks in no particular order.
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