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Queen Sugar - S2E13 - Heritage

Previously on Queen Sugar, “Live in the All Along” 

Michele K. Short / ©2017 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved

Nova decided the story of her mother and father’s relationship woes meant she should be with Dr. Dubois (two people who were meant to be wasted so much time), but, this week, she pushed away Calvin whose presence literally made her shake.

After running into her at a coffee shop, Calvin shows up at Nova’s door and begs for another chance. They love each other. They’ve been unable to move on. But Nova can’t reconcile the work she does with coming home every night to a White cop who has never bothered to ask about her work. I mean, I guess I understand. It was just hard to watch that sexy-ass man walk out of her life for what felt like the last time.

Things between Charley and Remy are better, but only just. They’re finally about to take their relationship to the next — biblical, carnal — level, and it’s a significant step considering Remy hasn’t been with another woman since his wife died. For as calculating as she can be, Charley hasn’t thought beyond the right now when it comes to Remy. So she’s totally unprepared when he uses the word “forever” during foreplay. This prompts an awkwardly timed discussion about expectations. Remy’s pretty traditional and still wants a family. Charley hasn’t even begun to think about another marriage and more kids. The fact that such an important discussion — one that usually takes place early in a relationship — is only just now taking place is worrisome. However, it’s nice to see this kind of exploration into their pairing. Their instant attraction plus all they’ve been through has always painted the pair as a sort of fairy tale romance. Tackling an issue like this paints them as a more realistic couple.

Now, on to a couple that we all root for even though we’re all about 94% sure she would be better off without him.

Darla’s parents have been a bit of mystery. Darla painted a picture of a couple who were economically comfortable with high expectations. And though we were absent the details, she also made them sound highly unforgiving. Michael Michele and Roger Guenveure Smith definitely look like they could be Bianca Lawson’s parents, especially with both Michele and Lawson looking like they’re drinking from the same fountain of eternal youth. Their first, awkward introduction to Ralph Angel and Blue is where the meeting of expectations end. Yes, Quincy, Darla’s father, does come off a bit hard to please, but Darlene, her mom, sheds some light on what it was like for them when Darla was addicted to drugs.

Photos by Skip Bolen © 2017 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. / Courtesy of OWN

Just like Lorna brought a different perspective and more information about Nova and Ralph Angel’s parents, Darlene helps us view Darla’s parents in a different, more sympathetic light. They could only open themselves up to so many false promises of rehabilitation, demands for money, and threats before they had to cut dies with Darla for their own wellness. Darlene even hints at Quincy taking their estrangement and Darla’s drug choice particularly hard, but doesn’t go into details. Just because they couldn’t have the traditional relationship with Darla, didn’t mean they didn’t care. Alone with Darlene, Aunt Vi thanks her for the monthly checks they sent while she had custody of Blue.

Darla doesn’t argue when her mother tells her side. Instead, she acknowledges the pain she caused, asks for (and receives) forgiveness, and promises that she’s clean and a good mother. The exchanges with her parents felt sincere and authentic. After her father warns Darla to start her marriage on a solid, honest foundation, she takes his advice, which further shows signs that both parties are willing to do the work.

Still, her honesty may end up costing Darla everything. She confesses to Ralph Angel that Blue might not be his biological son.

Photos by Skip Bolen © 2017 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. / Courtesy of OWN

More Tea

Aunt Vi has lupus and it appears she’s going to keep it a secret for now. Dis tew much, y’all. Tew much.

Podcast coverage of Queen Sugar will return next weekend with a review of the next episode. 

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About Nina Perez (1330 Articles)
Nina Perez is the founder of Project Fandom. She is also the author of a YA series of books, "The Twin Prophecies," and a collection of essays titled, "Blog It Out, B*tch." Her latest books, a contemporary romance 6-book series titled Sharing Space, are now available on for Kindle download. She has a degree in journalism, works in social media, lives in Portland, Oregon, and loves Idris Elba. When not watching massive amounts of British television or writing, she is sketching plans to build her very own TARDIS. She watches more television than anyone you know and she's totally fine with that.

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